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Title:Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai: Seria Philologia/ red. resp.: prof. univ. dr. Ion Pop
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Topics (ro):Starobinski, Jean; literatura - critica si interpretare; filologie; estetica; teoria literaturii
Subiecte (en):Starobinski, Jean; literature - criticism and interpretation; philology; aesthetics; literary theory
Existing copies:
Nr. crt.Nr. inv.Vol / Nr / AnSubtitleCopy status
1P-1351XLII / 1 / 1997Hommage à Jean Starobinski/ no. édité par Rodica Baconsky et Rodica Lascu-PopIn library
2P-5510LIV / 1 / 2009The International SymposiumIn library
3P-5511LIV / 2 / 2009Romanian and Comparative Literature StudiesIn library
4P-5512LIV / 3 / 2009LICOLAR 2008In library
5P-5513LIV / 3 / 2009Pragmatica/ Pragmatics; Semantica/ Semantics; Sintaxa/ SyntaxIn library
6P-5514LV / 1 / 2010Hommage à Carmen Vlad; Analyse du discoursIn library
7P-5515LV / 2 / 2010Hamsun 2009 - Babes-Bolyai University, cluj-Napoca, Romania. 27-28 october, 2009In library
8P-5516LV / 3 / 2010Oriental StudiesIn library
9P-5517LV / 4 / 2010LICOLAR 2009; les préfixes; Les suffixesIn library
10P-5518LVI / 1 / 2011Pédagogie de l'interprétation; Réflexions théoriques; Aspects professionnels; Prolégoménes pédagogiquesIn library
11P-5519LVI / 2 / 2011In library
12P-5520LVI / 3 (September) / 2011In memoriam Rosa del Conte (1907-2011); LICOLAR 2010 à la mémoire de Maurice ToussaintIn library
13P-5521LVI / 4 (Decembre) / 2011Women's writing: Traditions and ChallengesIn library
14P-5522LVII / 1 (March) / 2012Hommage à Henri Jacquier (1900-1980); Le savant, le professeur, l'homme; Littérature; Arts; LinguistiqueIn library
15P-5523LVII / 2 (June) / 2012In library
16P-5524LVII / 3 (September) / 2012Le colloque de linguistique comparée des langues romanes: LicolarIn library
17P-5525LVII / 4 (Decembre) / 2012Utopies et antiutopies, classiques et modernes utopias and dytopias, classical and modernIn library
18P-5526LVIII / 1 (March) / 2013East Asian StudiesIn library
19P-5527LVIII / 2 (June) / 2013Dynamics of Languages for specific Purpose: Novel Approaches and StrategiesIn library
20P-5528LVIII / 3 (September) / 2013Interpretation and Subversion; Women;s Writing: Ideas and TrendsIn library
21P-5625LVIII / 4 (December) / 2013Linguistique comparée des langues romanes LicolarIn library
22P-5626LIX / 1 (March) / 2014The Celebration of Norway at Babes-Bolyai UniversityIn library
23P-5644LIX / 2 (June) / 2014In library
24P-5692LIX / 3 (September) / 2014In library
25P-571259 (LVIX) / 4 (December) / 2014L'oral : formes émergentes, corpus et modélisationsIn library
26P-579160 (LX) / 1 (March) / 2015Gender and GenreIn library
27P-579260 (LX) / 2 (June) / 2015Communication Revisited: (New) Media, Intercultural and Multicultural CommunicationIn library
28P-579360 (LX) / 3 (September) / 2015Psychomecanique du langage et linguistique contrastiveIn library
29P-580660 (LX) / 4 (December) / 2015Hommage à Carmen Vlad: un modèle de rigueur et de sensibilité scientifiqueIn library
30P-580761 (LXI) / 1 (March) / 2016Reading Franco MorettiIn library
31P-581961 (LXI) / 2 (June) / 2016Ioana Em. Petrescu, In MemoriamIn library
32P-583861 (LXI) / 3 (September) / 2016Special Issue on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of Norwegian Teaching at BA Level at Babes-Bolyai UniversityIn library
33P-583961 (LXI) / 4 (December) / 2016Queer Studies als Modell der PluralitätIn library
34P-591262 (LXII) / 1 (March) / 2017British and American StudiesIn library
35P-593362 (LXII) / 2 (June) / 2017Romanian as a Foreign Language: Teaching and AssessmentIn library
36P-593462 (LXII) / 3 (September) / 2017Form and Diversity in Representation. Language and Cultural StudiesIn library
37P-595663 (LXIII) / 1 (March) / 2018Dossier de littérature canadienne actuelle d'espression françaiseIn library
38P-595763 (LXIII) / 2 (June) / 2018Oral 2016: langues romanes. Corpus, genres, niveaux d'analyseIn library
39P-595863 (LXIII) / 3 (September) / 2018In library
40P-595963 (LXIII) / 4 (December) / 201810 anos de ensino do portugues na faculdade de letras de ClujIn library
41P-6006Vol. 64 (LXIV) / 1 (March) / 2019British and American StudiesIn library
42P-604064 / 2 / 2019Languages for Specific and Academic Purposes. Institutional Policies and StrategiesIn library
43P-605064 / 3 / 2019Linguistique, interprétation et didactique des langues étrangèresIn library
44P-605164 / 4 / 2019Lrxical acquisition and literary competence. Lingustics and cultural studiesIn library
45P-605265 / 1 / 2020East Asian Studies: language, literature and cultureIn library
46P-605365 / 2 / 2020Special issue: Travaux de linguistique romane et d'analyse du discoursIn library
47P-615065 / 3 / 2020Translation. Evaluation. Interpretation. Comparative and Identity StudiesIn library
48P-615165 / 4 / 2020Special Issue: Recherches sur les langues romanes et leurs variétésIn library
49P-617766 (LXVI) / 3 / 2021Die Deutsche Sprache und Literatur im Regionalen, Nationalen und Transnationalen KonrtextIn library
50P-617866 (LXVI) / 4 / 2021(Dis)continuidades en los espacios hispanico y lusofono. (Des)continuidades nos espaços hispanio e lusofonoIn library
51P-621967 (LXVII) / 3 (September) / 2022Romanian Literary History at a CrossroadsIn library
52P-622067 (LXVII) / 4 (December) / 2022Textual Negotiation of Online IdentitiesIn library
53P-626168 (LXVIII) / 1 / 2023The Imaginary of the Linguistic ImaginaryIn library
54P-626268 (LXVIII) / 2 / 2023Perspectives on the Scandinavian Cultural ImaginaryIn library
Publisher:Universitatea Babes-Bolyai
Published in:1997;2009-2013Location:Cluj-NapocaEdition:-
Ilustrator:Pop Ion