Author(s): | Rutten, Marguerite |
Title: | La science des chaldéens/ par Marguerite Rutten |
Other title: | - |
Expl. Title: | - |
Orig. Title: | - |
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Topics (ro): | Mesopotamia - stiinta caldeenilor; organizarea timpului - calendarul babilonian; astrologia caldeeana; simbolismul numerelor - matematica babiloniana; geometria; sistemul sexagesimal | Subiecte (en): | Mesopotamia - the science of the Chaldeans; time management - Babylonian calendar; Chaldean astrology; the symbolism of numbers - Babylonian mathematics; geometry; sexagesimal system | Reviews: | |
Existing copies:
Nr. crt. | Nr. inv. | Vol / Nr / An | Subtitle | Copy status | 1 | MT-4137 | / / | | In library |
Series: | Que sais-je? Le point des connaissances actuelles; 893 | Subseries: | - | Bibliogr: | p. 126 | Type: | carte | Pages: | 128p. | Format: | - | Illustrations: | fig. |
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