Author(s): | - |
Title: | Universals of Language: Report of a conference held at Dobbs Ferry, New York, April 13-15, 1961/ Edited by Joseph H. Greenberg |
Other title: | - |
Expl. Title: | - |
Orig. Title: | - |
| |
Topics (ro): | lingvistica - universalii; limbaj - universalii; fonologie; gramatica; semantica; psiholingvistica | Subiecte (en): | linguistics - universals; language - universals; phonology; grammar; semantics; psycholinguistics | Reviews: | |
Existing copies:
Nr. crt. | Nr. inv. | Vol / Nr / An | Subtitle | Copy status | 1 | 129 | / / | | In library |
Publisher: | The M.I.T. Press | Published in: | 1966 | Location: | Cambridge,Massachusetts and London, England | Edition: | Second edition | ISBN: | - | ISSN: | - | Position: | F.0-GREEN | Decimal: | 81'1'343/'37 | Language: | engleza |
Series: | - | Subseries: | - | Bibliogr: | p.323-328 | Type: | carte | Pages: | 337p. | Format: | - | Illustrations: | - |
| Editor: | Greenberg Joseph H. |