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Author(s):Detchev, Stefan; Doncheva, Svetlana; Maxwell, Alexandre; Neamtu, Mihail; Radu-Bucurenci, Simina; Stan, Razvan Sebastian; Vultur, Smaranda
Title:New Europe College Europa Program: Yearbook 2006-2007: Dress, Food, and Boundaries. Politics and Identity (1830-1912): The Bulgarian case/ Stefan Detchev; Small Revolutions on the Table: Modernization of Food Habits in the Bulgarian Towns During the 19th Century/ Svetlana Doncheva; Sartorial Nationalism and Symbolic Geography/ Alexandre Maxwell; Secularisation and Orthodoxy in Modern Romania, With Special Referenes to the Practice of Fasting/ Mihail Neamtu; Beyond Hunger. Perceptions of and Reactions to Shortages in 1980s Romania/ Simina Radu-Bucurenci; Exploring Spontaneous Proces of European Cultural Integration - Food, Taste and Culinary Practices in the Case of Migrant Workers from Easten Romania/ Razvan-Sebastian Stan; L'aliment porteur de culture ou "Dis-moi ce que tu mange et je te dirait qui tu es". Le cas du Banat/ Smaranda Vultur; edited by New Europe College
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Topics (ro):obiceiuri culinare - modernizare - Bulgaria - sec.XIX; imbracaminte - mancare - politica si identitate - Bulgaria - 1830-1912; secularizare - ortodoxie - post - România moderna; comunism - lipsuri - România - 1980; integrare culturala europeana - mânca
Subiecte (en):food habits - modernization - Bulgaria - 19th c.; dress - food - politics and identity - Bulgaria - 1830-1912; secularization - Orthodoxy - fasting - modern Romania; communism - shortages - Romania - 1980; European cultural integration - food - culinary p
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1P-4513 / / In library
Publisher:New Europe College
Published in:2010Location:BucurestiEdition:-
ISBN:-ISSN:1584-0298Position:anuar NEC
Series:NEC Publications Series: New Europe College Yearbook
Bibliogr:in note, la sfirsitul fiecarui articol
Editor:Vainovski-Mihai Irina