Author(s): | - |
Title: | Developing New Rules in the Old Environment / edited by Igor Munteanu and Victor Popa |
Other title: | Local Governments in Eastern Europe, in the Caucasus and Central Asia, volume 3 |
Expl. Title: | - |
Orig. Title: | - |
| |
Topics (ro): | stiinte politice - guvernare locala; administratie publica - guvernare locala - Europa de Est - reforma; reforma administrativa - guvernare locala - Caucaz - Asia Centrala; guvernare locala - reforma - Belarus - Ucraina - Rusia - Georgia - Armenia - Azerb | Subiecte (en): | political sciences - local government; public administration - local government - Eastern Europe - reform; administrative reform - local government - Caucasus - Central Asia; local government - reform, the - Belarus - Ukraine - Russia - Georgian Rep. - Ar | Reviews: | Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |
Existing copies:
Nr. crt. | Nr. inv. | Vol / Nr / An | Subtitle | Copy status | 1 | 7731 | / / | | In library |
Series: | LGI Books | Subseries: | - | Bibliogr: | - | Type: | carte | Pages: | 652 p. | Format: | - | Illustrations: | tab., fig. |
| Editor: | Igor Munteanu | Editor: | Victor Popa |