New Europe College

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1. *
Teufelbücher in Auswahl: Erster Band: Ludwig Michelius: Zauberteufel - Schrapteufel/ hrsg. von Ria Stambaugh
Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1970, Berlin , (carte) 496p.
Topics (ro): demonologie; vrajitorie; magie
Topics (en): demonology; witchcraft; magic
Position: G.1r3-STA (1) UDC: 235.2
Series: Ausgaben deutscher Literatur des XV. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts

2. *
From Witness to Witchcraft: Jews and Judaism in Medieval Christian Thought / edited by Jeremy Cohen
Harrassowitz Verlag, 1996, Wiesbaden , (carte) vi, 448 p., ISBN 3-447-03901-9
Topics (ro): evreii si iudaismul in crestinism - Evul Mediu; crestinism (Evul Mediu) si iudaism; justitie divina si libertate umana - Sf. Augustin despre evrei si iudaism, 392-398; vrajitorie si iudaism in scrierile religioase crestine - Evul Mediu
Topics (en): Jews and the Judaism in the Christendom - Middle Ages; Christianity/ Christianism and Judaism - Middle Ages; divine justice - human freedom - Augustine, Saint, on Jews and Judaism, 392-398; witchcraft and Judaism in Christian religios writings - Middle Ag
Position: G.1r52c-COH UDC: 23/28:296
Series: Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien; Bd. 11
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Galaxie Anthropologique/ directeur de la publication:Louis-Vincent Thomas
s.n., 1993, Paris , (periodic)
Topics (ro): antropologie; posedati - religie; posedati - vrajitorie; demonologie; posedatul divin; posesiune - credinte - rituri - traditii; transa - posesiune ceremoniala; cultul posesiunii; posesiune rituala; filosoful posedat; exorcism; etnopsihologie
Topics (en): anthropology; possessed people - religion; possessed people - witchcraft; demonology; divine possessed; possession/ to be possessed - creeds - rites - traditions; trance -; cult of possession; ritual possession; possessed philosopher; exorcism; ethno-psyc
Position: periodic UDC: 39+291

4. *
African Spirituality: Forms, Meanings, and Expressions / edited by Jacob K. Olupona
The Crossroad Publishing Company, 2000, New York , (carte) xxxvi, 476 p., ISBN 0-8245-0780-0
Topics (ro): spiritualitate - Africa; Africa - viata religioasa si obiceiuri; cunoastere sacra - religie - Africa; divinatie - ritualuri - culturi religioase - Africa; vrajitorie; spiritualitate africana musulmana; sufism - Africa; catolicism - Africa
Topics (en): spirituality - Africa; Africa - religious life and customs; sacred knowledge - religion - Africa; divination - rituals - religious cultures - Africa; witchcraft; Moslem African spirituality; Sufism - Africa; Catholicisme - Africa
Position: G.10-WS (3) UDC: 299.6(091)
Series: World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest: vol. 3
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
Nouvelle revue de psychanalyse, numéro 1, automne 1970: Objets du fétichisme/ Direction: J.-B. Pontalis; Rédaction: Didier Anzieu, André Green, Jean Pouillon, etc.
Gallimard N.R.F., 1970, Paris , (carte) 256p.
Topics (ro): psihanaliza; fetisism; eul; negarea sinelui - fetisism; etnologie - fetisism; obiect magic - vrajitorie - fetisism; fetisism si ideologie; magie - stiinta; doliu - relicve
Topics (en): psycho-analysis; fetishism; ego, the; self-denial; ethnology - fetishism; magic object - witchcraft - fetishism; fetishism and ideology; magic - science; mourning - relics
Position: AS/T-51 UDC: 159.9

6. *
A Companion to the Reformation World / Edited by R. Po-chia Hsia
Blackwell Publishing, 2003, Malden, MA - Oxford , (carte) xx, 572 p., ISBN 0-631-22017-8
Topics (ro): religie protestanta - luteranism - calvinism; crestinism - Reforma - martiri si sfinti - magie si vrajitorie - toleranta religioasa; religie crestina - Reforma - Europa; crestinism - reforma - protestantism - sec. XV-XVIII; crestinism - catolicism - lupte
Topics (en): Protestant religion - Lutheranism - Calvinism, religion; Christianity / Christianism - Reformation, the - martyrs and saints - magic and witchcraft - religious tolerance; Christian religion - Reformation, the - Europe; Christianity / Christianism - Reform
Position: G.1r533-HSI UDC: 283/289
Series: Blackwell Companions to European History
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. *
Hexen: Analysen, Quellen, Dokumente [ CD-ROM ]
Directmedia Publishing GmbH, 2003, Berlin , (CD-ROM) 1 CD-ROM, ISBN 3-89853-193-7
Topics (ro): istorie medievala - vrajitorie - procese - Inchizitie - Europa - Evul Mediu; istorie - magie - vrajitorie; istorie - vrajitoare - procese, Inchizitie - vanatoare de vrajitoare - biserica crestina -Evul Mediu
Topics (en): medieval history - witchcraft - trials - Inquisition - Europe - Middle Ages; history - magic - witchcraft; history - witches - trials, Inquisition - witches hunting - Christian Church - Middle Ages
Position: CD-ROM UDC: 133(100)"04/14"
Series: Digitale Bibliothek; 93
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Abdul al-Hazred
Le Necronomicon: "le livre de l'Arabe dément Abdul al-Hazred"/ précédé de Histoire du Necronomicon par Howard P. Lovecraft; Préface de Paul R. Michaud; Introduction de Colin Wilson; edition publiée sous la direction de Goerge Hay
Pierre Belfond, 1979, Paris , (carte) 221p., ISBN 2-7144-1252-1
Topics (ro): Al-Azif (Necronomicon) - manuscris - John Dee; filosofie oculta; magie - invocatia spiritelor; vrajitorie; ocultism; spiritism
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/A-128 UDC: 297
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Baindurashvili, Kaha; Boboc, Cristina; Byl, Vital; Cojocaru, Olga; Melashvili, Tamta; Ohanjanyan, Anna; Rotaru, Vasile
New Europe College Yearbook: Pontica Magna Program 2018-2019: The SMES development constraints in transitional and developing countries: Georgia & Romania/ Kaha Baindurashvili; State-led modernization and middle class subjectivities in post-soviet Azerbaijan/ Cristina Boboc; The other witch: ethnic minorities and witchcraft accusations in the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania/ Vital Byl; On Permanent migrant temporariness: the case of Moldovans in Italy/ Olga Cojocaru; Women of the Gulag in Liziko Kavtaradze's memoir: 'wives', urkas and political prisoners / Tamta Melashvili; Narratives of the Armenian polemics with the Muslims from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries/ Anna Ohanjanyan; 'Mimicking' the west? Russia's legitimization discourse from Georgia war to the annexation of Crimea/ Vasile Rotaru; [editor: Irina Vainovski-Mihai]
New Europe College, 2021, Bucharest , (anuar) 202p.: tab., portr., ISSN 1584-0298
Topics (ro): economie de tranzitie - IMM-uri - Georgia - Romania; Marele Ducat al Lituaniei - minoritati etnice - vrajitorie; Azerbaijan - modenizare - europenizare; Republica Moldova - migratia fortei de munca
Topics (en): transitional economy - SMES - Georgia - Romania; Grand Dutchy of Lithuania - ethnic minorities - witchcraft; Azerbaijan - mloderinization - Europeanization; Republic of Moldova, the - labour migration
Position: anuar NEC UDC: 009(045)
Series: NEC Publications Series: New Europe College Yearbook

10. Baroja, Julio Caro [ antropolog, istoric, lingvist, folclorist si eseit spaniol, 1914-1995]
Les sorcières et leur monde/ par Julio Caro Baroja; Traduit de l'espagnol par M.-A. Sarrailh
Gallimard NRF, 1972, Paris , (carte) 304p.
Topics (ro): ocultism; ezoterism; magie; vrajitorie; vrajitoarele si lumea lor
Topics (en): occultism; esotericism; magic; sorcery; witches and their world
Position: MT/A-3629 UDC: 133
Series: Bibliothèque des histoires

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