New Europe College

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1. *
Buddhist Scriptures/ selected and translated by Edward Conze
Penguin Books, 1968, Harmondsworth, Middlesex , (carte) 256p.
Topics (ro): budism - morala - meditatie - intelepciune; filosofie indiana - religie indiana - budism; Buddha Shakyamuni - legenda; Maytreya - viitorul Buddha
Topics (en): Buddhism - moral philosophy - meditation - wisdom; Indian philosophy - Indian religion - Buddhism; Buddha Shakyamuni - legend; Maytreya - Buddha to be
Position: AS/D-62 UDC: 294.3
Series: Penguin Classics; L88

2. *
The Future of Southeast Europe - Towards European Integration/ Initiator: Dr. Kurt A. Körber; responsible: Dr. Levin von Trott zu Solz
Edition Körber-Stiftung, 2003, Hamburg , (carte) 176p., ISBN 3-89684-352-4
Topics (ro): stabilizare politica - viitorul Sud-Estului Europei; Europa de Sud-Est - economie - structuri sociale
Topics (en): political stabilization - future of Southeastern Europe; Southeast Europe - economy - social structures
Position: H.1724-KOR UDC: 32(497)"20"
Series: Bergedorf Round Table: Minutes of Meeting; No.123
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Beck, Ulrich [sociolog, n.1944]
Der eigene Gott: Von der Friedensfähigkeit und Gewaltpotential der Religionen/ Ulrich Beck
Verlag der Weltreligionen, 2008, Frankfurt am Main u. Leipzig , (carte) 276p., ISBN 978-3-458-71-003-5
Topics (ro): religie si sociologie - sec.XX-XXI; toleranta si putere - religie; criza modernitatiii europene; libertate vs. adevar - viitorul religiei
Topics (en): religion and sociology - 20th-21st c.; tolerance and power - religion; European modernity crisis; freedom vs. truth - future of the religion
Position: G.1r6-BECK UDC: 2:3(100-15)"19/20"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Beck, Ulrich [sociolog, n.1944]
A God of One's Own: Religion's Capacity for Peace and Potential for Violence/ Ulrich Beck; Translated by Rodney Livingstone
Polity Press, 2010, Cambridge, Malden MA , (carte) x, 231p., ISBN 978-0-7456-4618-3
Topics (ro): religie si sociologie - sec.XX-XXI; toleranta si putere - religie; criza modernitatiii europene; libertate vs. adevar - viitorul religiei
Topics (en): religion and sociology - 20th-21st c; tolerance and power - religion; European modernity crisis; freedom vs. truth - future of the religion
Position: G.1r6-BECK UDC: 2:3(100-15)"19/20"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Blanchot, Maurice
Le livre à venir/ Maurice Blanchot
Gallimard NRF, 1971, Paris , (carte) 383p.
Topics (ro): literatura - imaginar; viitorul literaturii; disparitia literaturii
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/M-19 UDC: 82.0
Series: Idées; 246

6. Boulanger, Pierre; Lechevallier, Guillaume; Norma, Pierre; Dumas, François Ribadeau; Arthaud, Thomas; Faucounau, Jean; Damiani, Paul; Lechevallier, Gabriel; Yribarren, François; Ripert, Pierre
Vieilles peurs et Temps nouveaux: An 1000/An 2000; Nostradamus; Histoire du diable; La fin du monde à l'âge de bronze / éditorial par Pierre Ripert; Guillaume Lechevallier, Louis Boulanger; Pierre Norma; Myriam Philibert; François Ribadeau Dumas; Thomas Arthaud; Jean Faucounau; Paul Damiani; Gabriel Lechevallier; François Yribarren; Pierre Ripert
Actualité de l'Histoire Sarl, 1995, Paris , (carte) 160 p., ISSN 1249-948X
Topics (ro): previziuni - preziceri ale viitorului; perceptie oculta - ocultism; Nostradamus, profet; fetele diavolului; vrajitorii - Satan; Biblia - Cain - exegeza biblica; arte divinatorii - chiromancie; antroponimie - istoria numelor de familie
Topics (en): anticipations - anticipations of the future; occult perception - occultism; Nostradamus, prophet; Devil's faces; magics - Satan; Bible, the - Cain - exegesis, biblical; divinatory arts - chiromancy ( palmistry); anthroponomy - family names, history
Position: AS/E-135 UDC: 133

7. Castelli, Enrico; Paci, E.; Semerari, G.; Somenzi, V.; Calogero, G.; Agazzi, E.; Laeng, M.; Derossi, G.; Olivetti, M.; Piro, S.; Cortese, A.
Il Problema della domanda / scritti di: E. Castelli, E. Paci, G. Semerari, V. Somenzi, G. Calogero, E. Agazzi, M. Laeng, G. Derossi, M. Olivetti, S. Piro, A. Cortese; Archivio di Filosofia - Organo dell'Istituto di Studi Filosofici
CEDAM - Casa Editrice Dott. Antonio Milani, 1968, Padova , (carte) 180 p.
Topics (ro): filosofia religiei - studii; intrebare, raspuns si semnificat - limbaj; logica si intrebare; structura interogarii - intrebare; intrebare ontologica; filosofia limbajului; intrebare asupra viitorului crestinismului
Topics (en): philosophy of religion - studies; question, answer and signified - language; logic and question; structure of interrogation - question; ontological question; philosophy of language; question about the future of Christianity/ Christianism
Position: AS/G-29 UDC: 130.2:81
Series: Archivio di Filosofia

8. Centre fo Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (CAS. Oslo); Ostreng, Willy, editor
Consilience: Interdisciplinary Communications 2005/2006/ Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters; Willy Ostreng, editor
Centre for Advanced Study at N.A.S.L., 2006, Oslo , (carte) 144p., ISBN 978-82-996367-4-2, ISSN 0809-8735
Topics (ro): studii avansate - comunicari interdisciplinare - Norvegia - 2005-2006; geografia economica - mediul inconjurator; istorie - Holocaust - intrebari si conexiuni; acorduri internationale - clima - incalzire globala; viitorul teoriei literare
Topics (en): advanced studies - interdisciplinary communications - Norway - 2005-2006; economic geography - environment; history - Holocaust - questions and connections; international agreements - climate - global warming; the future of literary theory
Position: CAS-NASL UDC: 05
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Daecke, Sigurd Martin [n. 1932]
Der Mythos von Tode Gottes: Ein kritischer Überblick/ Sigurd Martin Daecke
Furche-Verlag, 1970, Hamburg , (carte) 131, [3]p., ISBN 3-7730-0027-8
Topics (ro): crestinism - ateism - crestinismul ateu; teologia radicala; moartea lui Dumnezeu - viitorul lui Dumnezeu; viitorul teologiei - teologia viitorului
Topics (en): Christianity - atheism - atheist Christianity; radical theology; death of God - future of God; future of theology - theology of the future
Position: MT/B-935 UDC: 23:14
Series: Stundenbücher; Band 87
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Danielou, Jean [ teolog iezuit, istoric si cardinal francez, 1905-1974]
L'Avenir de la religion/ Jean Danielou
Fayard, 1968, Paris , (carte) 139p.
Topics (ro): viitorul religiei; sensul lui Dumnezeu; cristologie si demitizare; Biserica; responsabilitatea preotilor; responsabilitatea laicilor
Topics (en): future of religion; meaning of God; Cristology and demythologizing; Church; responsibility of the priests;; responsibility of the laity
Position: MT/B-25 UDC: 2
Series: Le Signe

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