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1. *
Modern Esoteric Spirituality / edited by Antoine Faivre and Jacob Needleman; associate editor: Karen Voss
The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1995, New York , (carte) xxx, 414 p., ISBN 0-8245-1444-0
Topics (ro): cabala - romantism; rozicrucianism; francmasonerie; spiritualitate ezoterica - ezoterism; teozofie; viata spirituala - perioada moderna, 1500-; Steiner, Rudolf - antroposofie; secte ezoterice; ezoterism alchimic - hermeneutica culturii; Paracelsus
Topics (en): cabbala, the - romanticism; Rosicrucians; freemasonry; esoteric spirituality - esotericism, esoterism; theosophy; spiritual life - modern period, 1500-; Steiner, Rudolf - anthroposophy; esoteric sects/ denominations; alchemical esotericism - hermeneutics
Position: G.10-WS (21) UDC: 273(091)
Series: World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest: vol. 21
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Bareau, André [1921-1993]
Les sects bouddhiques du Petit Véhicule/ par André Bareau
École Française d'Extrême-Orient, 1955, Paris , (carte) 310p.
Topics (ro): budism - Hinayana - secte
Topics (en): Buddhism - Hinayana - sects
Position: MT/B-342 UDC: 294.3
Series: Lublications de L'École Française d'Extrême-Orient; Vol. XXXVIII

3. Casanova, José
Public Religions in the Modern World / José Casanova
The University of Chicago Press, 1994, Chicago and London , (carte) x, 320 p., ISBN 0-226-09535-5 (pbk)
Topics (ro): religie si sociologie ; religie - epoca contemporana - secularizare - religii publice; biserica - natiune - societate civila; protestantism evanghelic - religie civila - secte fundamentaliste - dreapta crestina noua; catolicism - Statele Unite
Topics (en): religion and sociology; religion - contemporary epoch - secularization - public religions; church - nation - civil society; Evangelical Protestantism - civil religion - fundamentalist sects - new Christian right; Catholicism - United States
Position: G.1r52e-CAS UDC: 306.6
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Feraru, Remus Mihai; Jinga, Constantin
Merele de aur: Antologie de documente scrise din epoca Noului Testament / Remus Mihai Feraru, Constantin Jinga; cuvint inainte de I.P.S. Dr. Nicolae Corneanu; studiu introductiv de Prof. dr. Constantin C. Petolescu
Editura Marineasa, 2001, Timisoara , (carte) 256 p., ISBN 973-8215-31-5
Topics (ro): religie - istoria Bibliei; istorie - poporul evreu - iudei; Imperiul Roman - evrei - Palestina biblica - iudaism - secte si sinagogi; esenieni, farisei si saduchei; literatura rabbinica; originile crestinismului; Noul Testament - Iisus Christos - primii
Topics (en): religion - history of the Bible; history - Jewish people - Judaeans; Roman Empire, the - Jews, the - biblical Palestine - Judaism - sects and synagogues; the Essenes, Pharisees and Sadducees; Rabbinic literature; origins of the Christianism; New Testament
Position: Vg.2-FER UDC: 22.046(082.2)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Freyburger-Galland, Marie-Laure; Freyburger, Gérard; Tautil, Jean-Christian
Sectes religieuses en Grèce et à Rome dans l'Antiquité païenne / par Marie-Laure Freyburger-Galland, Gérard Freyburger, Jean-Christian Tautil
Les Belles Lettres, 1986, Paris , (carte) 338 p. + anexa, ISBN 2-251-33809-8, ISSN 0245-8829
Topics (ro): mistere dionisiace; misticism - religii pagine - Grecia antica; antichitate pagina - religie - paginism; secte religioase - Roma antica; secte religioase - Grecia antica; orfism; pitagorism; religie romana - perioada imperiala; bacante - Roma - antichitat
Topics (en): Dionysian mysteries; mysticism - pagan religions - ancient Greece; antiquity - religion - paganism; religious sects - ancient Rome; religious sects - Ancient Greece; Orphism; Pythagorism; Roman religion - Imperial period; bacchantes - Rome - antiquity
Position: G.1h1/.1h2-FRE UDC: 292(37+38)
Series: Collection «Realia»
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Granet, Marcel [ sociolog, etnolog, sinolog francez; 1884-1940]
La pensée chinoise/ par Marcel Granet
Éditions Albin Michel, 1950, Paris , (carte) xxiii, 614p.
Topics (ro): filosofie chineza - istoria filosofiei chineze; mentalitate chineza - psihologie comparata; limba si scrierea; Yin si Yang; numerele; Tao; sistemul lumii - macrocosm - microcosm - eticheta; secte si scoli
Topics (en): Chinese philosophy - the history of Chinese philosophy; Chinese mentality - comparative psychology; language and writing; Yin and Yang; numbers; Tao; world system - macrocosm - microcosm - etiquette; sects and schools
Position: MT/A-549 UDC: 1(51)(09)
Series: L'Évolution de l'humanité; 25bis

7. Hamilton, Malcolm B.
The sociology of religion: Theoretical and comparative perspectives/ Malcolm B. Hamilton
Routledge, 1997, London and New York , (carte) X, 238 p., ISBN 0-415-10659-1
Topics (ro): sociologia religiei; religie - ideologie; religie si ideologie - Marx, Karl; religie si emotie; magie; budism; tabuuri si ritualuri; secularizare; secte, culte si miscari religioase; etica protestanta - crestinism
Topics (en): sociology of religion; religion - ideology; religion and ideology - Marx, Karl; religion and emotion; magic; Buddhism; taboos and rituals; secularization; denominations, creeds and religious movements; protestant ethics - Christianity / Christianism
Position: G.0-HAM UDC: 2.000.316
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Herbert, Karl
Der Kirchenkampf: Historie oder bleibendes Erbe? / Karl Herbert
Evangelisches Verlagswerk, 1985, Frankfurt am Main , (carte) 352 p., ISBN 3-7715-0216-0
Topics (ro): religie crestina - istoria bisericii crestine - comunitati si secte
Topics (en): Christian religion - history of Christian Church - communities and sects
Position: G.1r53-HER UDC: 28(091)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Heyer, Friedrich
Konfessionskunde / Friedrich Heyer; mit Beiträgen von Henry Chadwick, Hans Dombois, Karl Christian Felmy ...
Walter de Gruyter, 1977, Berlin - New York , (carte) xvi, 864 p., ISBN 3-11-006651-3
Topics (ro): religie crestina - istoria bisericii crestine - confesiuni; biserica ortodoxa; biserica catolica; biserica evanghelica; secte ale bisericii crestine protestante
Topics (en): Christian religion - history of Christian Church - Confessions; Orthodox Church, the; Catholic Church, the; Evangelical Church; sects/ denominations of the Protestant Christian Church
Position: G.1r53-HEY UDC: 28(091)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Ivanov, Jordan
Livres et legends bogomiles (aux sources du Catharisme)/ Jordan Ivanov; Traduit du bulgare par Monette Ribeyrol; Préface de René Nelli
G.-P. Maisonneuve et Larose, 1976, Paris , (carte) 398p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - secte crestine - erezii - bogomili - catari; bogomilism - legene; surse catare
Topics (en): Christianity - Christian sects - heresies - Bogomils - Cathars; Bogomilism - legene; Cathar sources
Position: MT/B-1037 UDC: 273.1
Series: Les Litteratures populaires de toutes les nations; n.s. tome XXII

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