New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 2 (total 2 t: a: ).

1. Dumézil, Georges
Servius et la Fortune: Essai sur la fonction sociale de Louange et de Blâme et sur les elements indo-européens du cens romain/ Georges Dumézil
Gallimard NRF, 1943, Paris , (carte) 247p.
Topics (ro): istoria religiilor - mitologie romana; religie romana - religie indiana; Servius (regele Romei) - Fortuna - mitologie - legenda; Prthu - Fortuna - abundenta mitica; census - Roma
Topics (en): history of religions - Roman mythology; Roman religion - Indian religion; Servius ( king of Rome) - Fortuna - mythology - legend; Prthu - Fortuna - mythical abundance; census - Rome
Position: AS/H-47 UDC: 292.2
Series: Les Mythes Romains

2. Dumézil, Georges
Tarpeia: Essai de philologie comparative indo-européenne/ Georges Dumézil
Gallimard NRF, 1947, Paris , (carte) 295p.
Topics (ro): istoria religiilor - mitologie romana; religie romana - religie indiana; zei indieni - zei romani - functii; regii Romei - legenda - Vergilius; Tarpeia
Topics (en): history of religions - Roman mythology; Roman religion - Indian religion; Indian gods - Roman gods - functions; kings of Rome - legend - Vergilius; Tarpeia
Position: AS/H-48 UDC: 292.2
Series: Les Mythes Romains