The Blackwell Dictionary of Eastern Christianity / Edited by Ken Parry, David J. Melling, Dimitri Brady, Sidney H. Griffith & John F. Healey; Editorial consultant: John R. Hinnells; Foreword by Rt Revd Kallistos Ware
Blackwell Publishers, 1999, Malden, MA - Oxford
, (dictionar) xxii, 582 p., ISBN 0-631-23203-6 (pbk)
Topics (ro): crestinism - biserici ortodoxe - dictionar; religie crestina - ortodoxism - biserica ortodoxa - dictionar; religie - bizantinism - biserica ortodoxa - dictionar Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - orthodox churches - dictionary; Christian religion - Orthodoxy - Orthodox Church, the - dictionary; religion - Byzantinism - Orthodox Church, the - dictionary | | Position: G.1r531-PAR*
UDC: 281.6/.8(038)
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