Marii reformatori luterani si Biserica Ortodoxa: Contributii la tipologia relatiilor luterano-ortodoxe din secolul al XVI-lea / Pr. Dr. Daniel Benga; Tiparita cu binecuvântarea Prea Sfintitului Parinte Galaction, Episcopul Alexandriei si Teleormanului
Sophia, 2003, Bucuresti
, (carte) 504 p., ISBN 973-8207-57-6
Topics (ro): religie crestina - reforma - luteranism - Biserica ortodoxa - relatii - sec. XVI; istoria bisericii crestine - sec. XVI; ortodoxie si luteranism; crestinism - biserica reformata - biserica luterana - sec. XVI Topics (en): Christian religion - Reform - Lutheranism - Orthodox Church, the - relations - 16th century; history of Christian Church - 16th century; orthodoxy and Lutheranism; Christianity / Christianism - Reformed Church, the - Lutheran Church, the - 16th century, t | | Position: Vg.2-BEN
UDC: 284.1:28
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