Aspects du mythe/ Mircea Eliade
Gallimard NRF, 1963, Paris
, (carte) 256 p.
Topics (ro): mitologie - ontologie - istorie; escatologie - cosmologie; rituri de reînnoire; origini - prestigiu magic; functia mitului; structura mitului; istoria religiilor - mit; memorie - uitare - mitologii; mit - grandoare - decadenta; basm - mitologie Topics (en): mythology - ontology - history; eschatology - cosmology; renewal rites/ resumption rites; origins - magic prestige; the function of the myth; myth structure; history of religions - myth; memory - forgetfulness, oblivion - mythologies; myth - majesty - dec | | Position: AS/H-32
UDC: 291
Series: Collection Idées; 32 |
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