Western Medical Thought from Antiquity to the Middle Ages / edited by Mirko D. Grmek; coordinated by Bernardino Fantini; translated by Antony Shugaar
Harvard, 1998, Cambridge, MA - London
, (carte) 478 p., ISBN 0-674-40335-X
Topics (ro): boala - concept; scolastica medicala; medicina medievala; medicina antica; medicina, gindirea medicala - din antichitate pina in Evul Mediu; strategii terapeutice - Evul Mediu; operatii medicale - Evul Mediu Topics (en): illness - concept, the; medical scolastics; medieval medicine; ancient medicine; medicine, medical thinking - from antiquity till Middle Ages; therapeutic strategies - Middle Ages; medical operations - Middle Ages | | Position: B.12/.14-GRM
UDC: 610.'9"-/14"
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