Neue Anthropologie, Band 3: Sozialanthropologie/ Herausgegeben von Hans-Georg Gadamer u. Paul Vogler; Beiträge von: G. Albers, F. Baade, H. Glubrecht, A.H. Hawley, H. Hoffmann, Th. Luckmann, F. Pirchner, G. Schmölders, R. Schubert, F. Wagner
Georg Thieme Verlag; Deutscher Tschenbuch Verlag, 1972, Stuttgart, München
, (carte) viii, 408p., ISBN 3-13-476301-X
Topics (ro): antropologie sociala; omul si formele de economie; domesticirea animalelor; identitate personala - societate moderna; orasul; urbanizare si modernizare Topics (en): social anthropology; human being and the forms of economy; animal domestication; personal identity - modern society; city/ town; town planning and modernization | | Position: P-GAD (3)
UDC: 30
Series: Flexibles Taschenbuch Anthrop |
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |