Eranos-Jahrbuch: [Jahrbuch der Eranos-Tagungen in Ascona], Band 52 (1983): Physische und Geistige Körperwelt/ Herausgeber: Rudolf Ritsema = Material and Imaginal Bodies/ Editor: Rudolf Ritsema = Corps physiques et corps spirituels/ Éditeur: Rudolf Ritsema
Insel Verlag, 1984, Frankfurt am Main
, (anuar) 502p., ISBN 3-458-14159-6
Topics (ro): congresele Eranos - anuar; istoria religiilor - corp material si corp spiritual; sufletul si civilizatia tehnica; aura lucrurilor - aura fiintelor; medicina chineza - corpul uman; antropologia tehnicii; om - peste - pasare - Egiptul antic Topics (en): Eranos conferences - yearbook; history of religions - material body and spiritual body; soul and technical civilization; aura of things - aura of beings; Chinese medicine - human body; anthropology of technique; man - fish - bird - ancient Egypt | | Position: anuar
UDC: 05:291; 81'33:2
Series: Die Eranos Tagungen = The Eranos Conferences = Les Sessions d'Eranos |
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