New Europe College

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1. *
Pisanello / sous la direction de Lionello Puppi; textes de Donata Battilotti, Elena Filippi, Tiziana Franco...; traduit de l'italien par Odile Ménégaux et Daniel Arasse pour l'introduction
Hazan, 1996, [Paris] , (carte) 264p.
Topics (ro): Pisanello Il (Antonio Pisano); pictura - Italia - sec. XV; desen - Italia - sec. XV; numismatica - medalii - Italia - sec. XV
Topics (en): Pisanello II (Antonio Pisano); painting - Italy - 15th century; drawing - Italy - 15th century, the; numismatics - medals - Italy - 15th century
Position: U.15-PIS UDC: 75(450)"14"

2. *
Le Guide Marabout des monnaies et médailles / Chanoine L. Matagne, Pierre Magain, Paul Lucas, dr. Robert Orban, Maurice Bouchez, Karl Petit
Marabout, 1975, Verviers , (carte) 352p.: il.
Topics (ro): numismatica - ghid; monede - medalii - ghid
Topics (en): numismatics - guide; coins - medals - guide
Position: MT/C-1653 UDC: 737.1
Series: Marabout Service; 256

3. Ambrosoli, Solone [ 1851 - 1906]
Monete Greche: numismatica greca, ermeneutica delle monete, classificazione dei sistemi e delle officine monetarie, la moneda greca nell'antichita e nell'arte classica, cenni e prontuari delle varie categorie di prezzi / Solone Ambrosoli, Serafino Ricci
Ulrico Hoepli, 1917, Milano , (carte) XXVII, 626p.
Topics (ro): numismatica - Grecia antica
Topics (en): numismatics - Ancient Greece
Position: MT/B-2761 UDC: 737.1(38)
Series: Manuali Hoepli

4. Arhivele Nationale ale României = National Archives of Romania
Revista Arhivelor = Archives Review/ Arhivele Nationale ale României = National Archives of Romania/ Editor-in-chief: Serban V. Marin
Arhivele Nationale ale României, 2007-2009, Bucuresti , (periodic) cca.350p., ISSN 1453-1755
Topics (ro): arhiva - paleografie - diplomatie - muzeografie - heraldica - numismatica - studii; arhive - teorie si practica; istorie de arhiva - studii de arhiva
Topics (en): archive - paleography - diplomacy - museography - heraldry - numismatics - studies; archives - theory and practice; archival history - archival studies
Position: Periodic UDC: 930.25(498)

5. Babelon, Ernest [ numismat, arheolog francez, 1854 - 1924]
Les monnais grecques: aperçu historique / Ernest Babelon
Payot & Cie, 1921, Paris , (carte) 160p.: il.
Topics (ro): monede - Grecia antica; arheologie - Grecia antica; numismatica - Grecia antica
Topics (en): coins - Ancient Greece; archaeology - Ancient Greece; numismatics - Ancient Greece
Position: MT/B-2757; MT/B-2913 UDC: 737(38)
Series: Collection Payot

6. Babelon, Jean-Pierre [ 1898-1978]
La numismatique antique / par Jean Babelon;
Presses universitaires de France, 1949, Paris , (carte) 128p: il.
Topics (ro): istorie - antichitate - numismatica;; istorie antica - monede
Topics (en): history - Antiquity - numismatics; Ancient history - coins
Position: MT/B-2806 UDC: 737.1(37/38); 937/938
Series: Que sais je?; 168

7. Bakewell, Elizabeth; Beemen, William O.; Mc Michael Reese, Carol; Schmitt, Marilyn [Gen.Ed.]
Object - Image - Inquiry: The Art Historian at Work: Report on a Collaborative Study by The Getty Art History Information Program (AHIP) and the Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship (IRIS), Brown University/ Elizabeth Bakewell, William O. Beeman, Carol McMichael Reese; Mrilyn Schmitt, General Editor
J.Paul Getty Trust, 1988, Santa Monica, CA , (carte) xii, 199p., ISBN 0-89236-135-2
Topics (ro): istoria artei - obiect - imagine; istorici de arta - interviuri; arta - istoriografie; portretistica romana - numismatica
Topics (en): art history - object - image; art historians - interviews; art - historiography; Roman portraiture - numismatics
Position: U.02-BAK UDC: 7.072.2
Series: The Getty Art History Information Program (AHIP)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Bartetzky, Arnold; Dmitrieva, Marina; Troebst, Stefan [Eds.]; Voukov, Nikolai; Bartetzko, Dieter; Larsson, Lars Olof; Friedrich, Jacek; Marciniak, Piotr; Born, Robert; [...]
Neue Staaten - neue Bilder? Visuelle Kultur im Dienst staatlicher Selbstdarstellung in Zentral-und Osteuropa seit 1918/ Herausgegeben von Arnold Bartetzky, Marina Dmitrieva und Stefan Troebst unter Mitarbeit von Thomas Fichtner
Böhlau Verlag, 2005, Köln, Weimar, Wien , (carte) x, 366p., ISBN 3-412-14704-4
Topics (ro): cultura vizuala - autoreprezentare statala - Europa Centrala - Europa de Est - sec.XX; state noi - dupa 1918 - Europa; arhitectura nationalista - modernism; simbolica statala - iconografie; simbolica numismatica
Topics (en): visual culture - state selfrepresentation - Central Europe - Eastern Europe - 20th c.; new states - after 1918 - Europe; nationalist architecture - modernism; state symbols - iconography; numismatic symbols
Position: SE-BAR UDC: 7.044(4)"1918/2004"
Series: Visuelle Geschichtskultur; Band 1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Bedos-Rezak, Brigitte Miriam
When Ego Was Imago: Signs of Identity in the Middle Ages/ by Brigitte Miriam Bedos-Rezak
Brill, 2011, Leiden; Boston , (carte) xxix, 295p. text, ISBN 978-90-04-19217-1, ISSN 1874-0448
Topics (ro): stiinta istoriei - sigilografie - numismatica - Evul Mediu; identitate - sigilii/ peceti - Evul Mediu - Europa; istorie - semne si simboluri - comunicare vizuala - Evul Mediu
Topics (en): history science - sigillography - numismatics - Middle Ages; identity - seals - Middle Ages - Europe; history - signs and symbols - visual communication - Middle Ages
Position: U.14-BED UDC: 930:73"08/15"(084); 909.07
Series: Visualising the Middle Ages/ edited by Eva Frojmovic; 3
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Boardman, John; Sparkes, B.A.; Coulton, J.J.; Osborne, Robin; Camp, K. McK.; Parker, Robert; Green, J.R.; Sekunda, N.V.; Price, M. Jessop
The Cambridge Ancient History: Plates to Volumes V and VI: The Fifth and Fourth Centuries B.C./ Edited by John Boardman F.B.A.
Cambridge University Press, c.1994, Cambridge, New York , (carte) xii,208p., ISBN 0-521-23349-6
Topics (ro): viata sociala - religie - comert - economie - Grecia - antichitate; arta clasica - urbanism - arhitectura; Grecia antica - perioada clasica; istoria civilizatiei - sec.V-IV i.e.n.; istorie antica - sec.V-IV i.e.n.; numismatica
Topics (en): social life - religion - trade / commerce - economics - Greece - antiquity; classic art - urban planning - architecture; Ancient Greece - classical period; history of civilization - 5th-4th c.B.C.; ancient history - 5th-4th c.B.C.; numismatics
Position: H.11/.13-CAM (5-6a) UDC: 930"-04/-03"(084)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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