Europe in the High Middle Ages 1150-1309 / John H. Mundy
Longman, 1993, London and New York
, (carte) XIV, 468 p., ISBN 0-582-49395-1
Topics (ro): istorie - Europa - 1150-1309, Evul Mediu; istorie medievala - Europa, 1150-1309; istorie culturala - Evul Mediu - Europa; cruciade - biserica crestina - Evul Mediu; monarhie medievala - putere - guvernare Topics (en): history - Europe - 1150-1309, Middle-Ages; medieval history - Europe, 1150-1309; cultural history - Middle Ages - Europe; Crusades - Christian Church, the - Middle Ages; medieval monarchy - power - government | | Position: H.011-LONG (2)
UDC: 940"1150/1309"
Series: A General History of Europe |
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |