New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 10 (total 10 t: a: ).

1. *
Kitsch - Made in Greece
Friends of "Anti" Magazine, 1989, Athens , (carte) 358 p.
Topics (ro): kitsch - arta - reguli estetice; patologia ornamentului - kitsch; kitsch - Grecia; kitsch - religie; societate - kitsch - functie si ornament; kitsch - publicitate - comunicare; kitsch - limbaj
Topics (en): kitsch - fine arts - aesthetic rules; pathology of the ornament - kitsch; kitsch - Greece; kitsch - religion; society - kitsch - function and ornament; kitsch - advertising - communication; kitsch - language
Position: U.163/.17-KITSCH UDC: 7.036(495)=111

2. *
Igloo: habitat & arhitectura/ Director Bruno Andresoiu
Igloo: Habitat & Arhitectura, 2002-2004;2009-2014, Bucuresti , (periodic) , ISSN 1582-8395
Topics (ro): microarhitectura; traditii - locuinta; design; kitsch; arhitectura - abitat; patrimoniu; interior - decoratiuni interioare; arta - fotografie - teatru - film
Topics (en): micro-architecture; traditions - lodging; design; kitsch; architecture - dwelling; patrimony; interior - interior decorations; fine arts - photography - theatre - picture
Position: periodic UDC: 72

3. Cazimir, Stefan [n. 1932]
I. L. Caragiale fata cu kitschul/ Stefan Cazimir
Humanitas, 2012, Bucuresti , (carte) 164p., ISBN 978-973-50-3681-2
Topics (ro): literatura româna - Caragiale, I. L. - studiu literar; Caragiale, I. L. si kitschul
Topics (en): Romanian literature - Caragiale, I. L. - literary study; Caragiale, I. L. and the kitsch
Position: Vt.3-CAR-Caz UDC: 821.135.1.09Caragiale, I. L.
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC, Humanitas

4. Goldhill, Simon; Camille, Michael; Baxandall, Michael; Alpers, Svetlana; Jay, Martin; Crary, Jonathan; Benjamin, Walter; Jameson, Fredric; Gilroy, Paul; Ginzburg, Carlo; McLuhan, Marshall; Fried, Michael; Mulvey, Laura; [...]
Visual Culture: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies, Volume IV: Experiences in Visual Culture / Edited by Joanne Morra and Marquard Smith
Routledge, 2006, London and New York , (carte) x, 456 p., ISBN 0-415-32645-1, ISSN 0-415-32641-9 (set)
Topics (ro): cultura vizuala - studii; studii culturale - cultura vizuala - modalitati ale experientei vizuale; cultura vizuala - kitsch - avangarda
Topics (en): visual culture - studies; cultural studies - visual culture - modalities of visual experience; visual culture - kitsch - avant-garde
Position: Se-MOR (4) UDC: 008
Series: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Greenberg, Clement
The Collected Essays and Criticism. Vol. I: Perceptions and Judgements, 1939-1944 / Clement Greenberg; Edited by John O'Brian
The University of Chicago Press, 1988, Chicago and London , (carte) XXVI, 270 p., ISBN 0-226-30621-6
Topics (ro): arta - eseuri, conferinte; arta - cultura; teoria artei - estetica; avangarda - arta; kitsch - arta
Topics (en): fine arts - essays, conferences; fine arts - culture; art theory - aesthetics; avantgarde - fine arts; kitsch - fine arts
Position: U.017-GRE (1) UDC: 7.01(082.2)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Guidieri, Remo
Too Late Too Early: An Essay / Remo Guidieri; translated from the Italian by Ilya Bernstein
Edgewise, 1999, New York - Paris - Turin - Louisville , (carte) 94 p., ISBN 1-893207-04-8
Topics (ro): estetica modernitatii - eseuri; kitsch - estetica - epoca moderna; productie si consum - societate de consum - industrie culturala - modernitate - estetica; antropologie culturala - modernitate
Topics (en): aesthetics of modernity - essays; kitsch - aesthetics - modern era; production and consumption - consumption society - cultural industry - modernity - aesthetics; cultural anthropology - modernity
Position: P-GUI UDC: 111.852:572:008
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Jencks, Charles
The Language of Post-Modern Architecture/ Charles Jencks
Academy Editions, 1991, London , (carte) 204 p., ISBN 1-85490-060-9
Topics (ro): arhitectura - postmodernism; eclectism - arhitectura; postmodernism - intre kitsch si cultura - arhitectura; comunicare arhitecturala
Topics (en): architecture - postmodernism; eclecticism - architecture; postmodernism - between kitsch and culture - architecture; architectural communication
Position: Ua.017-JEN UDC: 72.037
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Melville, Stephen; Readings, Bill; Pollock, Griselda; Holly, Michael Ann; Tagg, John; Rogoff, Irit; Bal, Mieke; Bryson, Norman; Marin, Louis; Foster, Hal; Lucbert, Françoise; Bender, John; Bolla, Peter de; Krauss, Rosalind; [...]
Vision and Textuality / Edited by Stephen Melville and Bill Readings
MacMillan Press Ltd., 1995, Hampshire , (carte) XVIII, 392 p., ISBN 0-333-60970-0
Topics (ro): arta, istorie - concepte: viziune, loc, putere - estetica; arta - kitsch; arta - gender
Topics (en): art history - concepts: vision, place, power - aesthetics; fine arts - kitsch; fine arts - gender
Position: U.02-MEL UDC: 7.01
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Nanu, Adina
Arta pe om: Look-ul si intelesul semnelor vestimentare/ Adina Nanu
Compania, 2001, Bucuresti , (carte) 210p., ISBN 973-8119-12-X
Topics (ro): arta - moda - look - semne vestimentare; antropologie artistica - imagine - reprezentare; moda intre arta si kitsch
Topics (en): fine arts - fashion - look - vestimentary signes; artistic anthropology - image - representation; fashion between art and kitsch
Position: Vu.0-NAN UDC: 646.3
Series: Arta si meserie
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Preisendörfer, Bruno
Staatsbildung als Königskunst: Ästhetik und Herrschaft im preußischen Absolutismus/ Bruno Preisendörfer
Akademie Verlag, 2000, Berlin , (carte) 432p., ISBN 3-05-003503-X
Topics (ro): politica si cultura - absolutismul german - sec.XVIII; stat - guvernamint - regalitate - Germania - sec.XVIII; teatru si regalitate - absolutismul german; pedeapsa; sarbatoare; razboi; kitsch si carisma
Topics (en): politics and culture - German absolutism - 18th c.; state - government - royalty/ kingship - Germany - 18th c.; theatre and kingship - German absolutism; punishment; ceremony; war; kitsch and charisma
Position: J.02-PRE UDC: 321:008+7(430)"17"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC