Penser la transition = Rethinking the Transition / Sous la direction de = Editors: Ivaylo Znepolski, Koprinka Tchervenkova, Alexander Kiossev
St. Kliment Ohridski Univ. of Sofia Press, 2002, Sofia
, (carte) 432 p., ISBN 954-07-1742-6
Topics (ro): istorie - Balcani - comunism - tranzitie - postcomunism; cultura memoriei - istorie - Europa comunista; ideologie comunista - Europa de Est; istorie - evrei - genocid; democratie - tari postcomuniste - discurs politic; Balcani - comunicare interculturala Topics (en): history - Balkans - communism - transition - post-communism; memory culture / mnemoculture - history - communist Europe; communist ideology - Eastern Europe; history - Jews, the - genocide; democracy - postcommunist countries - political speech; Balkans - | | Position: H.1723-ZNE
UDC: 94(1-924.5):329.15
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