New Europe College

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1. *
Indo-European Studies Bulletin/ Published twice yearly by the Friends and Alumni of Indo-European Studies
University of California, 1998-2003, Los Angeles , (periodic) cca 32p.
Topics (ro): indoeuropeni - studii
Topics (en): Indo-Europeans - studies
Position: DS/T-559 - DS/T-565 UDC: 81'37

2. *
Lalies: Actes des sessions de linguistique et de littérature d'Aussois/ Organisées conjointement par l'École normale supérieur et l'association CLELIA
Presses de l'École Normale Supérieure; Éditions Rue d'Ulm, 1987-2006, Paris , (periodic) , ISSN 0750-9170
Topics (ro): lingvistica generala - gramatica comparata - teorie literara; indoeuropeni; lingvistica - semantica
Topics (en): general linguistics - comparative grammar - literary theory; Indo-europeans; linguistics - semantics
Position: DS/T-567 - DS/T-581 UDC: 80

3. Devoto, Giacomo, 1897-1974
Origini Indoeuropee/ Giacomo Devoto
Sansoni, 1962, Firenze , (copie) xii, 428p.
Topics (ro): arheologie - civilizatie indoeuropeana; indoeuropeni - lingvistica - geografie - antropologie - etnologie
Topics (en): archaeology - Indo-European civilization; Indo-Europeans - linguistics - geography - anthropology - ethnology
Position: DS/V-24 UDC: 930.85indoeuropenii
Series: "Origines"

4. Gamkrelidze, Tamaz [ Thomas V, n.1929]; Ivanov, Vjaceslav Vs.
Indoevropejskij jazyk i indoevropejcy: Rekonstrukcija i istoriko-tipologiceskij analiz prajazyka i protokultury = Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans: A Reconstruction and Historical Typological Analysis of a Protolanguage and a Pproto-Culture, Part One/ by Thomas V. Gamkrelidze & Vjacheslav V. Ivanov; with a Preface by Roman Jakobson
Izdatelstvo Tbilisskogo Universiteta, 1984, Tbilisi , (carte) xcvi, 430p.
Topics (ro): studii indoeuropene - limba indo-europeana - analiza de tipologie istorica; indoeuropenii - limba arhaica - cultura arhaica
Topics (en): Indo-European studies - Indo-European language - historical typological analysis; Indo-Europeans - proto-language - proto-culture
Position: DS/H-1 UDC: 80(09)
Series: Academy of Sciences, USSR; Academy of Sceinces, Georgian SSR. Tsereteli INstitute of Oriental Studie

5. Gamkrelidze, Tamaz [ Thomas V, n.1929]; Ivanov, Vjaceslav Vs.
Indoevropejskij jazyk i indoevropejcy: Rekonstrukcija i istoriko-tipologiceskij analiz prajazyka i protokultury = Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans: A Reconstruction and Historical Typological Analysis of a Protolanguage and a Pproto-Culture, Part Two/ by Thomas V. Gamkrelidze & Vjacheslav V. Ivanov
Izdatelstvo Tbilisskogo Universiteta, 1984, Tbilisi , (carte) pp. 431-1330
Topics (ro): studii indoeuropene - limba indo-europeana - analiza de tipologie istorica; indoeuropenii - limba arhaica - cultura arhaica
Topics (en): Indo-European studies - Indo-European language - historical typological analysis; Indo-Europeans - proto-language - proto-culture
Position: DS/H-2 UDC: 80(09)

6. Gimbutas, Marija
Civilizatia Marii Zeite si sosirea cavalerilor razboinici: Originea si dezvoltarea celor mai vechi civilizatii europene (circa 7500-700 i.e.n.)/ Marija Gimbutas; Traducere din limba engleza de Sorin Paliga
Editura Lucretius, 1977, Bucuresti , (carte) 170p., ISBN 973-97891-2-9
Topics (ro): arheologie - preistorie - vechi civilizatii europene - cca. 7500-700 i.e.n.; divinitate feminina - zeita - credinta; indoeuropeni - civilizatie europeana
Topics (en): archaeology - prehistory - ancient European civilizations - cca. 7500-700 B.C.; feminine divinity - deity - belief; Indo-Europeans - European civilization
Position: DS/O-6 UDC: 008:902(4)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Haudry, Jean
La religion cosmique des Indo-Européens/ Jean Haudry
ARCHÈ "Les Belles Lettres", 1987, Milano/ Paris , (copie) 328p., ISBN 2-252-35352-6
Topics (ro): indoeuropeni - religie cosmica
Topics (en): Indo-Europeans - cosmic religion
Position: DS/V-45 UDC: 291indoeuropenii
Series: Études Indo-Européennes
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Mallory, J.P.
In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, Archaeology and Myth/ J.P. Mallory
Thames and Hudson, 1991, London , (copie) 288p., ISBN 0-50027-616-1
Topics (ro): indoeuropenii - limbaj - arheologie - mitologie; istoria indoeuropenilor - expansiunea indoeuropeana; protoindoeuropenii
Topics (en): Indo-Europeans - language - archaeology - mythology; Indo-European history - Indo-European expansion; proto-Indo-Europeans
Position: DS/V-67 UDC: 930.85indoeuropenii(084)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Mallory, J.P.; Adams, D.Q
The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World/ J.P. Mallory, D.Q. Adams
Oxford University Press, 2006, Oxford; New York , (copie) xxi, 731p., ISBN 978-0-19-929668-2
Topics (ro): lingvistica - studii indoeuropene; cultura si civilizatie proto-indoeuropeana; indoeuropenii - limbaj - arheologie - mitologie; protoindoeuropenii; mitologie comparata
Topics (en): linguistics - Indo-European studies; proto-Indo-European culture and civilization; Indo-Europeans - language - archaeology - mythology; proto-Indo-Europeans; comparative mythology
Position: DS/V-68 UDC: 930.85indoeuropenii(084)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC