New Europe College

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1. *
Nouvelle revue de psychanalyse, numéro 7 printermps 1973: Bisexualité et différence des sexes/ Direction: J.-B. Pontalis; Rédaction: Didier Anzieu, André Green, Jean Pouillon, etc.
Gallimard N.R.F., 1973, Paris , (carte) 350p.
Topics (ro): psihanaliza; bisexualitate - diferenta sexelor; hermafroditul; bisexualitate - mediere - Grecia antica; hibridul; masculin - feminin; circumcizie; antiiudaism; genul neutru; identitate sexuala
Topics (en): psycho-analysis; bisexuality - differences between sexes; hermaphrodite; bisexuality - mediation - Ancient Greece; hybrid; masculine/ male - feminine/ female; circumcision; anti-Judaism; neuter (gender); sexual identity
Position: AS/T-54 UDC: 159.9

2. Daniélou, Alain
Shiva et Dyonysos: La religion de la Nature et de l'Eros: De la préhistoire à l'avenir/ Alain Daniélou
Fayard, 1979, Paris , (carte) 328p., ISBN 2-213-00813-3
Topics (ro): religii primordiale - Shivaism - Dionysos; hermafroditul - Ardhanarishvara; Vishnu - Apollo; zeita - putere - amanta - mama; copilul divin; titani - demoni - genii; zeu zoomorf - zeita zoomorfa; loc sacru; tantrism - orgie - betie - vin
Topics (en): primordial religions - Shivaism - Dionysus; hermaphrodite - Ardhanarishvara; Vishnu - Apollo; Goddess - power - sweetheart/ mistress - mother; divine child, the; - demons -; zoomorph god - zoomorph goddness; sacred place; Tantrism - orgy/ revelry - intoxi
Position: AS/D-110 UDC: 294.5:292.11
Series: Documents spirituels; 21
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Daniélou, Alain
Gods of Love and Ecstasy: The Traditions of Shiva and Dionysus / Alain Daniélou
Inner Traditions, 1992, Rochester, Vermont , (carte) 250 p., ISBN 0-89281-374-1
Topics (ro): religii primordiale - Shivaism - Dionysos; hermafroditul - Ardhanarishvara; Vishnu - Apollo; zeita - putere - amanta - mama; copilul divin; titani - demoni - genii; zoomorfism; loc sacru; tantrism - orgie - betie - vin; filosofie indiana- hinduism - Shiv
Topics (en): primordial religions - Shivaism - Dionysus; hermaphrodite - Ardhanarishvara; Vishnu - Apollo; Goddess - power - sweetheart/ mistress - mother; divine child, the; - demons -; zoomorphism; sacred place; Tantrism - orgy/ revelry - intoxication - wine; Indian
Position: G.1d2-DAN UDC: 294.51
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC