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Found books: 1 - 3 (total 3 t: a: ).

1. Daniélou, Alain
Yoga: Méthode de réintégration/ Alain Daniélou
L'Arche, 1951, Paris , (carte) 261p.
Topics (ro): budism - practica yoga; yoga - reintegrare; energii vitale - control; practica spirituala; grade yoga; hatha-yoga; raja-yoga; mantra-yoga; laya-yoga; shiva-yoga - rajadhiraja-yoga; karma-yoga; jnana-yoga; bhakti-yoga; kundalini-yoga - asparsha-yoga; guru
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/D-80 UDC: 294.527

2. Michaèl, Tara [Ed.]
Hatha-yoga pradipika: Un traité Sanskrit de Hatha-yoga/ Traduction, introduction et notes, avec xtraits du Commentaire de Brahmananda par Tara Michaël; Préface de Jean Filliozat
Fayard, 1974, Paris , (carte) xii, 305, [2]p.
Topics (ro): hatha-yoga - traditie tantrica - traditie shivaita - traditia yoga; comentariu la hatha-yoga - Brahmananda, swami, 1863-1922
Topics (en): Hatha-yoga - tantric tradition - shivaitic tradition - yoga tradition; Commentary on hatha-yoga - Brahmananda, swami, 1863-1922
Position: MT/B-405 UDC: 294.5
Series: Documents spirituels; NS 11

3. Vasu, Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra
An Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy/ Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra Vasu
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2004, New Delhi , (carte) x, 70p., ISBN 81-215-1122-4
Topics (ro): filosofie indiana - Yoga; Hatha-Yoga; filosofie yoga
Topics (en): Indian philosophy - Yoga; Hatha-Yoga; Yoga philosophy
Position: A.11-VAS UDC: 14(540)
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