EU External Governance: Projecting EU Rules beyound Membership/ Edited by Sandra Lavenex and Frank Schimmelfennig
Routledge; Taylor and Francis Group, 2010, London and New York
, (carte) x,156p., ISBN 978-0415-56750-3
Topics (ro): Uniunea Europeana - calitatea de membru UE; tarile Uniunii Europene - relatii externe; Uniunea Europeana - politica si guvernare; guvernare externa - Uniunea Europeana Topics (en): European Union - EU membership; European Union countries - foreign relations; European Union - politics and government; external governance - European Union | | Position: H.1724-LAV
UDC: 327(4)
Series: Journal of European Public Policy Series |
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |