The Cambridge History of Political Thought 1450-1700 / Edited by J.H. Burns; with the assistance of Mark Goldie
Cambridge University Press, 1996, Cambridge, New York
, (carte) xii, 798 p., ISBN 0-521-47772-7
Topics (ro): filosofie politica - istorie - 1450-1700; politica - filosofie - 1450-1700; Europa - teorie politica - sec.XV-XVI; teorie politica - umanism - Renastere; umanism civic; monarhie; republica; jurisprudenta; guvernare - stat si religie; absolutism - sec. XVI Topics (en): political philosophy - history - 1450-1700; politics - philosophy - 1450-1700; Europe - political theory - 15th-16th century; political theory - humanism - Renaissance; civic humanism; monarchy; Republic; jurisprudence; government - state and religion; ab | | Position: J.15-BUR
UDC: 320.09
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