New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 2 (total 2 t: a: ).

1. Schumann, Robert (1810-1856)
Szenen aus Goethes Faust/ Robert Schumann
EMI, 1988, Köln , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): compozitor german; romantism; lied, grand opera, oratoriu
Topics (en): German composer; Romanticism; lied, grand opera, oratorio
Position: VI/M-4229/30 UDC: 784.5

2. Wayditch, Gabriel von (1888-1969)
The Caliph's Magician; Jesus Before Herod / Gabriel von Wayditch
VAI Audio, 1995, U.S.A. , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): muzica secolului al XX-lea; compozitor maghiar- american; grand opera; post-romantic
Topics (en): 20th Century music; Hungarian - American composer; grand opera; post-Romantic
Position: VI/M-982/83 UDC: 782.2