Le pédagogue: Texte grec: Livre II/ Clément d'Alexandrie; Traduction de Claude Mondésert; Notes de Henri-Irénée Marrou
Les éditions du Cerf, 1991, Paris
, (carte) 254 p., ISBN 2-204-04435-0, ISSN 0750-1978
Topics (ro): credinta - filosofie; polemica antignostica; Logos - cunoastere - gnoza - gnosticism; patristica - sf. Clement din Alexandria - sec.II-III; istoria obiceiurilor; morala crestina - pedagogie - Logos; gnosticism Topics (en): belief - philosophy; anti-gnostic polemic; logos - knowledge - gnosis - gnosticism; patristics - Clement of Alexandria - 2n-3rd c.; history of customs; Christian ethics - pedagogy - logos; gnosticism | | Position: 0.14-SC-CLE(A) (3)
UDC: 276"01"+273.1
Series: Sources Chrétiennes; 108 |
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