New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 9 (total 9 t: a: ).

1. Courtillot, Vincent
Evolutionary Catastrophes: The science of Mass Extinction/ Vincent Courtillot; Translated by Joe McClinton
Cambridge University Press, 1999, Cambridge, New york , (carte) xiv, 173p., ISBN 0-521-58392-6
Topics (ro): geologie - catastrofe; biologie - extinctie in masa
Topics (en): geology - catastrophes; biology - mass extinction
Position: B.17.2-COU UDC: 576.8'4
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Dacqué, Edgar [ paleontolog, geolog si filosof al naturii german, 1878-1945]
Geologie, I: Allgemeine Geologie/ von Edgar Dacqué
Vereinigung wisssenschaftlicher Verleger, 1920, Berlin und Leipzig , (carte) 128p.
Topics (ro): geologie
Topics (en): geology
Position: MT/A-3978 UDC: 55
Series: Sammlung Göschen; 12

3. Dagognet, François
Une épistémologie de l'espace concret: néo-géographie/ par François Dagognet
Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1977, Paris , (carte) 224p.
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana; spatiu - epistemologia spatiului; geologie; relief - peisaj; geografie - euristica; geografie - psihologie
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy; space - epistemology of the space; geology; relief - landscape; geography - heuristics; geography - psychology
Position: AS/R-106 UDC: 14(44)"18"Dagognet,François
Series: Problèmes et controverses

4. Doumas, C. [Ed.]
Thera and the Aegean World, II/ Editor: C. Doumas
Thera and the Aegean World, 1980, London , (carte) 431p., ISBN 0-9506133-2-0
Topics (ro): Congres International - Santorini - Greece - 1978 - lumea egeana; arheologie - vulcanologie - geologie - climatologie
Topics (en): International Congress - Santorini - Greece - 1978 - Aegean world; archaeology - Volcanologt - geology climatology
Position: H.10-THERA (2) UDC: 063.1(495Santorini)"1978"(082)(084)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Doumas, C. [Ed.]
Thera and the Aegean World, I/ Editor: C. Doumas
Thera and the Aegean World, 1978, London , (carte) 822P., ISBN 0-9506133-0-4
Topics (ro): Congres International - Santorini - Greece - 1978 - lumea egeana; arheologie - vulcanologie - geologie - climatologie
Topics (en): International Congress - Santorini - Greece - 1978 - Aegean world; archaeology - Volcanologt - geology climatology
Position: H.10-THERA (1) UDC: 063.1(495Santorini)"1978"(082)(084)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Hardy, D.A.; Keller, J.; Galanopoulos, V.P.; Flemming, N.C.; Druitt, T.H. [Eds.]
Thera and the Aegean World, III: Volume Two: Earth Sciences/ Editors: D.A. Hardy; with J. Keller, V.P. Galanopoulos, N.C. Flemming, T.H. Druitt
The Thera Foundation, 1990, London , (carte) 487p., ISBN 0-9506133-5-5
Topics (ro): Congres International - Santorini - Greece - 1989 - lumea egeana; geologie/ stiintele pamintului - lumea egeana; vulcanologie comparata
Topics (en): International Congress - Santorini - Greece - 1989 - Aegean world; geology/ earth sciences- Aegean world; comparative volcanology
Position: H.10-THERA (3/2) UDC: 91(495)(084)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Oria, M. [Ed.]; Bénard, J; Galletti, S.; Gohau, G.; Gorenflot, R.; Gribenski, A.; Raffin, J.
Géologie. Biologie: 1 géologie, 2 physiologie, 3 écologie: Cours Oria, 1re D/ rédigé par J. Bénard, S. Galletti, G. Gohau, R. Gorenflot, A. Gribenski, M. Oria, J. Raffin; avec le concours de S. Bozzone
Hatuer, 1970, Paris , (carte) 384p.
Topics (ro): geologie; fiziologie; ecologie
Topics (en): geology; physiology; ecology
Position: MT/A-3948 UDC: 5/6

8. Petrescu, Iustinian
Perioadele glaciare ale pamintului/ Iustinian Petrescu
Editura tehnica, 1990, Bucuresti , (carte) 252p., ISBN 973-31-0268-7
Topics (ro): geologie - glaciatiuni
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/T-8 UDC: 55
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Zittel, Karl Alfred von [ geolog si paleontolog german, 1839-1904]
Geschichte der Geologie und Paläontologie bis Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts/ Von Karl Alfred v. Zittel
Druck und Verlag von R. Oldenbourg, 1899, München und Leipzig , (carte) xi, 868p.
Topics (ro): geologie; paleontologie; istoria geologiei si paleontologiei
Topics (en): geology; paleontology; history of geology and paleontology
Position: MT/A-3954 UDC: 5
Series: geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland; XXIII