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1. Strabon [ Strabo, Strabonos] ca. 64 a.C. - 25 AD
Geography: Books 1-2 / Strabo; with an English translation by Horace Leonard Jones; based on the unfinished version of John Robert Sitlington Sterrett
Harvard University Press, 1997, Cambridge, Massachusetts - London, England , (carte) xlvi, 530 p., ISBN 0-674-99055-2
Topics (ro): literatura greaca - geografie - antichitate; Strabo, ca. 64 a.C. - 25 AD - geografie - antichitate; filosofie - Grecia antica; geografie mondiala - antichitate
Topics (en): Greek literature - geography - antiquity; Strabo, ca. 64 B.C. - 25 A.D. - geography - Antiquity; philosophy - Ancient Greece; world geography - antiquity
Position: 0.12-STR (1) UDC: 821.14:91(100)
Series: Loeb Classical Library; 49
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Strabon [ Strabo, Strabonos] ca. 64 a.C. - 25 AD
Geographikon biblia heptakaideka ekdidontos kai diorthountos A. Korae: Meros deuteron
Eberhard, 1816 [?], Paris , (carte) viii, 516p.
Topics (ro): literatura greaca - geografie - antichitate; Strabon, ca. 64 a.C. - 25 AD - geografie - antichitate; filosofie - Grecia antica; geografie mondiala - antichitate
Topics (en): Greek literature - geography - antiquity; Strabo, ca. 64 B.C. - 25 A.D. - geography - Antiquity; philosophy - Ancient Greece; world geography - antiquity
Position: DS/U-71 UDC: 821.14Strabon:91(100)
Series: Hellenikes Bibliothekes; tomos dekatos