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1. Balteanu, Dan; Serban, Mihaela
Modificarile globale ale mediului: O evaluare interdisciplinara a incertitudinilor / Dan Balteanu, Mihaela Serban
Editura CNI Coresi, 2005, Bucuresti , (carte) 232 p. + 16 pl., ISBN 973-570-297-5
Topics (ro): mediu - modificari globale - sec. XXI; geografie - pamant - modificari globale - mediu; clima - schimbari globale
Topics (en): environment - global changes - 21st century; geography - the Earth - global changes - environment; climate - global changes
Position: Vb.0-BAL UDC: 613.24:616.379-008.64
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC