Science and Civilisation in China: Volume III: Mathematics and the Sciences of the Heavens and the Earth/ by Joseph Needham; with the research assistance of Wang Ling
Cambridge University Press, 1996, Cambridge; New York
, (carte) xlvii, 886p., ISBN 0-521-05801-5
Topics (ro): matematica - China; stiinta - civilizatie - China - istorie; istoria stiintei - China; cultura si civilizatie - China; astronomie - China; geografie - cartografie - China; meteorologie - China Topics (en): mathematics - China; science - civilization - China - history; history of science - China; culture and civilization - China; astronomy - China; geography - cartography - China; meteorology - China | | Position: C.10-NEE (3)
UDC: 008:5/6(51)
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