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1. Malville, J. McKim
Time and Eternal change/ J. McKim Malville; [Foreword by Kapila Vatsyayan]
Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts; Sterling Publishers Private Ltd, 1990, New Delhi; Bangalore; Patna , (carte) x, 112p., ISBN 81-207-1288-9
Topics (ro): astronomie solara; geofizica; arheoastronomie; astrofizica; timp - spatiu; particula - cimp; cosmos - Creatie - cuplul cosmic; cercetarea cosmosului; filosofie indiana - cosmologie -timp
Topics (en): solar astronomy; geophysics; astronomy, archaic; astrophysics; time - space; particle - field; cosmos ( well-ordered universe) - creation - cosmic couple; cosmic research; Indian philosophy - cosmology - time
Position: AS/S-65 UDC: 523.11"19"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC