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1. *
Disturbing Remains: Memory, History, and Crisis in the Twentieth Century / edited by Michael S. Roth and Charles S. Salas
Getty Research Institute, 2001, Los Angeles , (carte) x, 302 p., ISBN 0-89236-538-2
Topics (ro): totalitarism - istorie - sec. XX; genocid - istorie - sec. XX; crime impotriva umanitatii - istorie - sec. XX; istorie narativa; holocaust - memorie
Topics (en): totalitarianism - history - 20th century; genocide - history - 20th century; crimes against humanity - history - 20th century, the; narrative history; Holocaust, the - memory
Position: H.171-ROT UDC: 940.5
Series: Issues & Debates
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Brandstetter, Anna-Maria
Contested Pasts: The Politics of Remembrance in Post-Genocide Rwanda/ Anna-Maria Brandstetter
NIAS, 2010, Wassenaar , (brosura) 20p., ISBN 978-9071093647, ISSN 1570-7482
Topics (ro): istorie - reamintire - genocid - Ruanda - 1994; antropologie politica
Topics (en): history - remembrance - genocid - Rwanda - 1994; political anthropology
Position: NIAS-O.L(6) UDC: 94(675.98)
Series: NIAS: Ortelius Lecture; 6
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Brayard, Florent [Ed.]
Le Génocide des Juifs entre process et histoire 1943-2000/ Sous la direction de Florent Brayard; Textes de Florent Brayard, Lawrence Douglas, Jean-Jacques Fouché, Norbert Frei, Michael R. Marrus, Devin O. Pendas, Antoine Prost, Henry Rousso, Annette Wieviorka, Michael Wildt
Éditions Complexe, 2000, Bruxelles , (carte) 308p., ISBN 2-87027-857-8
Topics (ro): justitie si istorie contemporana - genocid - evrei - 1943-2000; istorie - Holocaust - evrei; istorici - judecatori - crime naziste
Topics (en): justice and contemporary history - genocide - Jews, the - 1943-2000; history - Holocaust - Jews, the; historians - judges - Nazi crimes
Position: H.17411-BRA UDC: 94(=411.16)(4)1943/2000
Series: Collection Histoire du Temps Présent
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Campbell, Kenneth J.
Genocide and the Global Willage / Kenneth J. Campbell
Palgrave, 2001, New York , (carte) xii, 178 p., ISBN 0-312-29325-9
Topics (ro): stiinte politice - politica guvernamentala - genocid; genocid - prevenire; relatii internationale; cooperare internationala; comunitate internationala; politica mondiala; globalism - sat global
Topics (en): -
Position: H.173-CAM UDC: 327.01
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Gellately, Robert; Kiernan, Ben; Barkan, Elazar; Bartov, Omer; Dwyer, Leslie; Fleming, Marie; Grandin, Greg; Hull, Isabel V.; Kissi, Edward; McCormack, Gavan; Melson, Ronbert; Semelin, Jacques; [...]
The Specter of Genocide: Mass Murder in Historical Perspective/ Edited by Robert Gellately and Ben Kiernan
Cambridge University Press, 2003, Cambridge, New York , (carte) x, 396p., ISBN 0-521-52750-3
Topics (ro): genocid; crime impotriva umanitatii; istorie contemporana - crime in masa; razboi - rasism - revolutie - sec.XX; Holocaust
Topics (en): genocide; crimes against humanity; contemporary history - mass murder; war - racism - Revolution - 20th century; Holocaust, the
Position: H.17-GEL UDC: 304.6
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Glenny, Misha
The Balkans 1804-1999: Nationalism, War and the Great Powers/ Misha Glenny
Granta Books, 1999, London , (carte) xxvi, 726p., ISBN 978-1-86207-073-8
Topics (ro): istorie - nationalism - razboi - Balcani - 1804-1999; revolta si revolutie - Balcani - 1804-1866; pace si razboi - 1914-1924; ocupatie - genocid - eliberare - razboi civil - Balcani - 1941-1949; comunism si militarism
Topics (en): history - nationalism - war - Balkans - 1804-1999; rebellion and revolution - Balkans - 1804-1866; peace and war - 1914-1924; ocupation - genocide - liberation - civil war - Balkans - 1941-1949; communism and militarism
Position: H.1721-GLE UDC: 94(1-924.5)1804/1999
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Institutul Român pentru Drepturile Omului
Principalele instrumente internationale privind drepturile omului la care România este parte, Volumul I: Instrumente universale/ Institutul Român pentru Drepturile Omului; Coordonatori: Irina Moroianu Zlatescu, Emil Marinache, Rodica Serbanescu, Ion Oancea
Institutul Român pentru Drepturile Omului, 1999, Bucuresti , (carte) 272p., ISBN 973-9416-26-3
Topics (ro): drepturile omului - declaratia universala a drepturilor omului; drepturile omului - instrumente internationale; conventii internationale - discriminare rasiala - genocid - refugiati - drepturile femeilor
Topics (en): human rights - universal declaration of human rights; human rights - international instruments; international conventions - racial discrimination - genocide - refugees - women rights
Position: Vk-MOR (1) UDC: 342(4)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Kasas, Aleksandar
Stenografski zapisnici sa sudenja glavnoodgovornima za raciju u juznoj backoj 1942. godine/ Aleksandar Kasas
Filozofski Fakultet Novi Sad, 2008, Novi Sad , (carte) 338p., ISBN 978-86-80271-93-4
Topics (ro): istorie - monografie - genocid - Serbia - 1942
Topics (en): history - monography - genocide - Serbia - 1942
Position: H.011n-KAS UDC: 94(497.113Backa):341.322.5"1942"(093)
Series: Monografije / Filozofski fakultet Novi Sad, Odsek za istoriju; knj.55
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Midlarsky, Manus I.
The Killing Trap: Genocide in the Twentieth Century/ Manus I. Midlarsky
Cambridge University Press, 2005, Cambridge, New York [etc.] , (carte) xv, 463p., ISBN 978-0521-89469-2
Topics (ro): genocid - istorie - sec.XX; prevenirea genocidului - rolul democratiei
Topics (en): genocide - history - 20th century; genocide prevention - role of democracy
Position: J.17-MID UDC: 304.6
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Neyzi, Leyla; Kharatyan-Araqelyan, Hranush
Speaking to One Another: Personal Memories of the Past in Armenia and Turkey; Wish they hadn't left/ Leyla Neyzi; Whom to forgive? What to forgive?/ Hranush Kharatyan-Araqelyan
dvv international, 2010, Bonn , (carte) 176p., ISBN 978-3-88513-780-1
Topics (ro): istorie orala - genocid - 1915 - interviuri; istorie orala - relatii internationale - armeni - turci - memorii
Topics (en): oral history - genocide - 1915 - interviews; oral history - international relations - Armenians -Turks - memories
Position: H.174-NEY UDC: 323.1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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