New Europe College

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1. Wundt, Max [ filosof german, 1879-1963]
Geschichte der Metaphysik/ von Max Wundt
Junker und Dünnhaupt, 1931, Berlin , (carte) 123p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - Wundt, Max - Germania - inceputul sec.XX; istoria metafizicii
Topics (en): philosophy - Wundt, Max - Germany - early 20th c.; history of metaphysics
Position: MT/A-3008 UDC: 14*Wundt, Max
Series: Geschichte der Philosophie in Längsschnitten; 2

2. Wundt, Max [ filosof german, 1879-1963]
Vom Geist unserer Zeit/ Max Wundt
J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, 1922, München , (carte) 170, [6]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - Wundt, Max - Germania - inceputul sec.XX; spiritul vremii; razboi; revolutie; triumful moral al socialismului; viitorul german - statul german - cultura germana - poporul german - credinta germana - sensul razboiului
Topics (en): philosophy - Wundt, Max - Germany - early 20th c.; zeitgeist; war; revolution; moral triumph of socialism; German future - German state - the German culture - German people - German faith - meaning of the war
Position: MT/A-3008 UDC: 14*Wundt, Max