The Economics of Business Enterprise: An Introduction to Economic Organisation and the Theory of the Firm / Martin Ricketts
Edward Elgar, 2002, Cheltenham, UK - Northampton, MA
, (carte) xxvi, 590 p., ISBN 1-84064-905-4
Topics (ro): economie - intreprinderi - organizare economica - teoria intreprinderilor; economie organizationala - firme; drepturi de proprietate - intreprindere; contracte - afaceri; corporatii multinationale - guvernare economica - interes managerial; monitorizare - Topics (en): economics - enterprises - economic organization - the theory of enterprises; organizational economy - firms; vested interests - enterprise; agreements/ deels/ contracts - business; multinational corporations - economic government - managerial interest; mo | | Position: Jc-RIC
UDC: 331.105
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