Dilemele mintuirii: Criza bisericii catolice / Alain Besançon; traducere din franceza de Mona si Sorin Antohi
Humanitas, 2001, Bucuresti
, (carte) 240 p., ISBN 973-28-0224-3
Topics (ro): biserica catolica - crize - sec. XX; criza ideologica a bisericii catolice - sec. XX - politica - democratie liberala; biserica catolica - guvernare politica - crize si schimbari; biserica crestina - Islam - criza ideologica; nazism - biserica - influente Topics (en): Catholic Church, the - crises - 20th century, the; ideological crisis of the Catholic Church - 20th century, the - politics - liberal democracy; Catholic Church, the - political government - crisis and changes; Christian Church, the - Islam - ideological | | Position: J.05-BES
UDC: 282:32
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