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1. Andler, Ch.; Basch, V.; Benrubi, J.; Bouglé, C.; Delbos, V.; Dwelshauvers, G.; Groethuysen, B; Norero, H.
La philosophie allemande au XIXe siècle/ par MM. Ch. Andler, V. Basch, J. Benrubi, C. Bouglé, V. Delbos, G. Dwelshauvers, B. Groethuysen, H. Norero
Librairie Félix Alcan, 1912, Paris , (carte) vi, 255p.
Topics (ro): istoria filosofiei - filosofia germana moderna - sec.XIX; Dilthey si scoala sa; Husserl; Eucken; Wundt; filosofia stiintelor istorice; estetica germana - sec.XIX
Topics (en): history of philosophy - modern German philosophy - 19th c.; Dilthey and his school; Husserl; Eucken; Wundt; philosophy of historical sciences; German aesthetics - 19th c.
Position: MT/A-899 UDC: 14(430)"19"(09)

2. Dilthey, Wilhelm; Riehl, Alois; Wundt, Wilhelm; Ostwald, Wilhelm; Ebbinghaus, Hermann; Eucken, Rudolf; Paulsen, Friedrich; Münch, Wilhelm; Lipps, Theodor
Systematische Philosophie / von W. Dilthey, A. Riehl, W. Wundt, W. Ostwald, H. Ebbinghaus, R. Eucken, Fr. Paulsen, W. Münch, Th. Lipps
Druck und Verlag von B. G. Teubner, 1907, Berlin und Leipzig , (carte) viii, 432 p.
Topics (ro): psihologie - Ebbinghaus; filosofia naturii - Ostwald, W.; metafizica - Wundt, W.; logica si teoria cunoasterii - Riehl, Alois; filosofie sistematica - Dilthey, W.; filosofia istoriei - Eucken; etica - Paulsen; estetica - Lipps; pedagogie - Münch
Topics (en): psychology - Ebbinghaus; philosophy of nature - Ostwald, W.; metaphysics - Wundt, W.; logic and theory of knowledge - Riehl, Alois; systematic philosophy - Dilthey, W.; philosophy of history - Eucken; ethics - Paulsen; aesthetics - Lipps; pedagogy - Münc
Position: A.2-DIL UDC: 1(045)
Series: Die Kultur der Gegenwart; Teil 1 Abteilung VI

3. Gusdorf, Georges (1912-2000)
Les sciences humaines et la pensee occidentale, XII: Le savoir romantique de la nature/ Georges Gusdorf
Payot, 1985, Paris , (carte) 345p., ISBN 2-228-13800-2
Topics (ro): filosofia moderna - Romantismul - cunoasterea romantica a naturii; biologia romantica; filosofia naturii - stiinta totala romantica; Schelling; Goethe; Herder; forta vitala; legenda fiintelor; Michelet; Lotze; Wundt
Topics (en): modern philosophy - Romanticism - romantic natural sciences; romantic biology; natural philosophy - total romantic science; Schelling; Goethe; Herder; vital force; Legend of the creatures; Michelet; Lotze; Wundt
Position: MT/A-925 UDC: 14"17/18"(09)
Series: Bibliothèque scientifique
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Klein, Arnold
Die modernen Theorien über das allgemeine Verhältnis von Leib und Seele: Nach einer von der Philosophischen Fakultät zu Breslau preisgekrönten Arbeit/ von Arnold KLein
Verlag der Koebner'schen Buchhandlung (Barasch & Riesenfeld), 1906, Breslau , (carte) vi, 97p.
Topics (ro): filosofie moderna - relatia dintre corp si psihic - paralelismul psiho-fizic; interpretarea materialista - Wundt - Jodl - Münsterberg; interpretarea metafizica - Spinoza - Fechner - Heymans; critica paralelismului - consecinte psihologice
Topics (en): modern philosophy - the relation between body and psyche - psychophysical parallelism; materialist interpretation - Wundt - Jodl - Münsterberg; metaphysical interpretation - Spinoza - Fechner - Heymans; critique of parallelism - psychological consequence
Position: MT/A-920 UDC: 14(09); 159.9

5. Wundt, Max [ filosof german, 1879-1963]
Geschichte der Metaphysik/ von Max Wundt
Junker und Dünnhaupt, 1931, Berlin , (carte) 123p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - Wundt, Max - Germania - inceputul sec.XX; istoria metafizicii
Topics (en): philosophy - Wundt, Max - Germany - early 20th c.; history of metaphysics
Position: MT/A-3008 UDC: 14*Wundt, Max
Series: Geschichte der Philosophie in Längsschnitten; 2

6. Wundt, Max [ filosof german, 1879-1963]
Vom Geist unserer Zeit/ Max Wundt
J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, 1922, München , (carte) 170, [6]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - Wundt, Max - Germania - inceputul sec.XX; spiritul vremii; razboi; revolutie; triumful moral al socialismului; viitorul german - statul german - cultura germana - poporul german - credinta germana - sensul razboiului
Topics (en): philosophy - Wundt, Max - Germany - early 20th c.; zeitgeist; war; revolution; moral triumph of socialism; German future - German state - the German culture - German people - German faith - meaning of the war
Position: MT/A-3008 UDC: 14*Wundt, Max

7. Wundt, Wilhelm [ Maximilian, psiholog, fiziolog si filosof german, intemeietor al psihologiei ca stiinta autonoma, fondator al primului laborator de psihol. experimentala, primul utilizator al metodei experimentale a introspectiei, 1832-1920]
System de Philosophie/ von Wilhelm Wundt
Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann, 1897, Leipzig , (carte) xviii, 689p.
Topics (ro): filosofie sistematica - Wund, Wilhelm; filosofie germana moderna - Wundt, Wilhelm - sec.XIX
Topics (en): systematic philosophy - Wundt, Wilhelm; modern German philosophy - Wundt, Wilhelm - 19th c.
Position: MT/A-3007 UDC: 14*Wundt, Wilhelm

8. Wundt, Wilhelm [ Maximilian, psiholog, fiziolog si filosof german, intemeietor al psihologiei ca stiinta autonoma, fondator al primului laborator de psihol. experimentala, primul utilizator al metodei experimentale a introspectiei, 1832-1920]
Einleitung in die Philosophie/ von Wilhelm Wundt
Alfred Kröner Verlag, 1918, Leipzig , (carte) xviii, 448, [2]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - Wundt, Wilhelm - sfirsitul sec.XIX; introducere in filosofie; filosofie sistematica
Topics (en): philosophy - Wundt, Wilhelm - late 19th c.; introduction to philosophy; systematic philosophy
Position: MT/A-3010 UDC: 14*Wundt, Wilhelm

9. Wundt, Wilhelm [ Maximilian, psiholog, fiziolog si filosof german, intemeietor al psihologiei ca stiinta autonoma, fondator al primului laborator de psihol. experimentala, primul utilizator al metodei experimentale a introspectiei, 1832-1920]
Die Nationen und ihre Philosophie/ von Wilhelm Wundt; [ Vorwort von Rudolf Marx]
Alfred Kröner Verlag, [ 192?], Leipzig , (carte) xvi, 163, [46]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - Wundt, Wilhelm - Germania - inceputul sec.XX; filosofia natiunilor - Europa; Renasterea italiana; filosofia franceza; filosofia engleza - idealismul german; spiritul natiunilor - pe timp de pace - in razboi
Topics (en): philosophy - Wundt, Wilhelm - Germany - early 20th c; philosophy of nations - Europe; Italian Renaissance; French philosophy; English philosophy - German idealism; the spirit of of nations - during peacetime - in war
Position: MT/A-3012 UDC: 14*Wundt, Wilhelm
Series: Kröners Taschenausgabe; Band 18

10. Wundt, Wilhelm [ Maximilian, psiholog, fiziolog si filosof german, intemeietor al psihologiei ca stiinta autonoma, fondator al primului laborator de psihol. experimentala, primul utilizator al metodei experimentale a introspectiei, 1832-1920]
Logik: Eine Untersuchung der Principien der Erkenntnis und der Methoden wissenschaftlicher Forscung: in zwei Bänden, Erster Band: Erkenntnislehre/ Wilhelm Wundt
Verlag von Ferdinand Enke, 1880, Stuttgart , (carte) xii, 586p.
Topics (ro): logica - principiile cunoasterii - metodele cercetarii stiintifice; filosofie germana - Wundt, Wilhelm - sfirsitul sec. XIX; teoria cunoasterii
Topics (en): logic - the principles of knowledge - scientific research methods; German philosophy - Wundt, Wilhelm - late 19th c.; theory of knowledge
Position: MT/A-3024 UDC: 14*Wundt, Wilhelm: 16

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