Istoria filosofiei in secolul al XIX-lea : Pozitivismul, hegelianismul de stinga, filosofia existentei, neokantianismul, filosofia vietii/ editor: Ferdinand Fellmann; traducere de: Emil Badici, Filotheia Bogoiu, Valentin Cioveie, Adela Hatu, Laurian Kertesz, Ioan-Lucian Muntean
Editura ALL Educational, 2000, Bucuresti
, (carte) 320 p., ISBN 973-684-309-2
Topics (ro): istoria filosofiei - sec. XIX; pozitivism; hegelianism; existentialism; neokantianism; filosofia vietii; Comte, A.; Mill, J.S.; Darwin, Ch.; Spencer, H.; Mach, E. Feuerbach, L. Stirner, Max; Kierkegaard, S.; Marx, K.; Lange, F.A.; Cohen, H.; Schopenhauer, Topics (en): history of philosophy - 19th century; positivism; Hegelianism; existentialism; neo-Kantianism; philosophy of life; Comte, A.; Mill, J.S.; Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882; Spencer, H.; Mach,E.Feuerbach, L. Stirner, Max; Kierkegaard, S.; Marx, K.; Lange, F.A.; C | | Position: A.163-FEL
UDC: 1(100)(091)"18"
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