New Europe College

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1. Höffe, Otfried [ filosof german, n. 1943]
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: The Foundation of Modern Philosophy/ Otfried Höffe
Springer, 2010, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York , (carte) xviii, 450p., ISBN 978-90-481-2721-4, ISSN 1571-1764
Topics (ro): filosofie germana moderna - Kant, Immanuel - sec. XVIII; Kant, Immanuel - Critica ratiunii pure - baza filosofiei moderne; idealism german - Kant, Immanuel
Topics (en): modern German philosophy - Kant, Immanuel - 18th c.; Kant, Immanuel - Critique of pure reason - foundation of modern philosophy; German Idealism - Kant, Immanuel
Position: A.2-KANT-Hof UDC: 14*Kant,Immanuel
Series: Studies in German Idealism; vol.10
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Höffe, Otfried [ filosof german, n. 1943]
Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft: Die Grundlegung der modernen Philosophie/ Otfried Höffe
C. H. Beck, 2003, München , (carte) 378, [5]p., ISBN 3-406-50919-3
Topics (ro): filosofie germana moderna - Kant, Immanuel - sec. XVIII; Kant, Immanuel - Critica ratiunii pure - baza filosofiei moderne; idealism german - Kant, Immanuel
Topics (en): modern German philosophy - Kant, Immanuel - 18th c.; Kant, Immanuel - Critique of pure reason - foundation of modern philosophy; German Idealism - Kant, Immanuel
Position: MT/A-2039 UDC: 14*Kant, Immanuel
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC