New Europe College

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1. Litt, Théodor [1880-1962]
Ethik der Neuzeit/ THeodor Litt
R. Oldenbourg, 1968, München , (carte) 191p.
Topics (ro): etica - epoca moderna; filosofia morala engleza; etica - Spinoza - Rousseau - Leibniz; Kant si Herder; Schopenhauer - filosofia morala; pozitivism si evolutionism; filosofia culturii; fenomenologie
Topics (en): ethics - Modernity; English moral philosophy; Ethics - Spinoza - Rousseau - Leibniz; Kant and Herder; Schopenhauer - moral philosophy; positivism and evolutionism; Philosophy of Culture; phenomenology
Position: MT/A-3157 UDC: 17