Exiles+emigrés: The Floght of European Artists from Hitler/ Stephanie Barron with Sabine Eckmann; Contributions by: Matthew Affron, Vivian Endicott Barnett, Elizabeth Kessin Berman, [...]
Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1997, Los Angeles, CA; New York, N.Y.
, (carte) 432p., ISBN 0-87587-178-X
Topics (ro): exil - emigratie - artisti europeni - 1933-1945; arta si politica - Germania - Hitler; pierderea patriei - identitate culturala; marea migratie politica - 1933-1945; Bauhaus si exil; distrugerea umanismului; modernitatea si Lumea Noua; exil in Franta si S Topics (en): exile - emigration - European artists - 1933-1945; art and politics - Germany - Hitler; loss of homeland - cultural identity; great political migration - 1933-1945; Bauhaus and exile; distruction of Humanism; modernity and New World; exile in France and U | | Position: U.171-BAR
UDC: 7:32(430)"1933/1945"
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