Philosophy and Religion: Selections from the Twentieth Century: William James, Henri Bergson, John Dewey, Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand Russell, Martin Heidegger, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Karl Barth
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1993, Chicago [...]
, (carte) xviii, 552p., ISBN 0-85229-531-6
Topics (ro): filosofie - sec.XX; James, William; Bergson, Henri; Dewey John; Whitehead, A.N.; Russell, Bertrand; Heidegger, Martin; Wittgenstein, Ludwig; Barth, Karl Topics (en): philosophy - 20th century; James, William; Bergson, Henri, 1859-1941; Dewey, John; Whitehead, A.N.; Russell, Bertrand; Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976; Wittgenstein, Ludwig; Barth, Karl | | Position: 0.0-ADL (55)
UDC: 141:2"19"
Series: Great Books of the Western World: A Chronology of the Great Authors; 55 |
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |