New Europe College

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1. Baruzi, Jean [ istoric al religiilor si filosof francez, 1881-1953]
Philosophes et Savants Français du XXe siècle: Extraits et notices, I: Philosophie générale et Métaphisique/ par Jean Baruzi
Librairie Félix Alcan, 1926, Paris , (carte) xii, 220p.
Topics (ro): istoria filosofiei - filosofia moderna - filosofia franceza - inceputul sec.XX - metafizica; Lachelier; Hamelin; Boutroux; Bergson; Brunschvicg; Blondel; Delacroix, H.; Berthelot, R.; Gaultier, J. de; Maritain, J.; Alain
Topics (en): history of philosophy - modern philosophy - French philosophy - early 20th c. - metaphysics; Lachelier; Hamelin; Boutroux; Bergson; Brunschvicg; Blondel; Delacroix, H.; Berthelot, R.; Gaultier, J. de; Maritain, J.; Alain
Position: MT/A-981 UDC: 14(44)"19/12"(082)