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1. *
Ingeborg Bachmann und Paul Celan: Poetische Korrespondenzen / herausgegeben von Bernhard Böschenstein und Sigrid Weigel
Suhrkamp Verlag, 2000, Frankfurt am Main , (carte) 270 p., ISBN 3-518-39627-7
Topics (ro): literatura germana - corespondenta poetica; Bachmann, Ingeborg - corespondenta poetica - Celan, Paul
Topics (en): German literature, the - correspondence, literary; Bachmann, Ingeborg - correspondence, literary - Celan, Paul
Position: DRIFI UDC: 821.112.2-6
Series: Shrkamp Taschenbuch
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
L'Arc: Revue trimestrielle/ Directeur: Stéphane Cordier
L'Arc, 1967-1980, Aix-en-Provence , (carte) , ISBN 2-87877-029-3 (Hegel)
Topics (ro): Hegel; Illich, Ivan; Duby, Georges; Duchamp; teorie literara; literatura; Lautréamont; critica literara; filosofie; structuralism; Lévi-Strauss, Claude; Verne, Jules; Bonnefoy, Yves; Bachelard; Lyotard
Topics (en): Hegel; Illich, Ivan; Duby, Georges; Duchamp, M.; literary theory; literature; Lautréamont; literary criticism; philosophy; structuralism; Lévi-Strauss, Claude; Verne, Jules; Bonnefoy, Yves; Bachelard, Gaston; Lyotard
Position: AS/P-19 - AS/P-26; MT/A-1728; MT/A-3780; MT/A-4412 UDC: 82.08/.09
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Revue de littérature comparée/ Directeurs (1921 à 1977): F. Baldensprenger, P. Hazard, J.-M. Carré, M. Bataillon; publiée avec le concours du CNRS et du Centre National des lettres; secrétaire gén.: Basil Munteano
Didier littératures, 1929-1989, Paris , (periodic) , ISSN 0035-1466
Topics (ro): literatura comparata; opera literara - traduceri; filosofia literaturii; poetica; teorie literara; estetica; avangarda literara; Goethe, J.W.; Chateaubriand; Balzac, Honoré de; Hugo, Victor; Dostoievski, Feodor; James, Henry; Bachelard, Gaston
Topics (en): comparative literature; literary work - translations; philosophy of literature, rthe; poetics; literary theory; aesthetics; literary avantgarde; Goethe, J.W.; Chateaubriand; Balzac, Honoré de (1799-1850); Hugo, Victor; Dostoievski, Feodor; James, Henry;
Position: periodic UDC: 82.09

4. *
Bach/ Directeur - redacteur en chef: Thierry de la Croix
Éditions de la Différence, 1985, (carte) 314p.
Topics (ro): muzica germana - baroc - Bach, Johann Sebastian - sec.XVIII; biografie - Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750
Topics (en): German music - Baroque - Bach, Johann Sebastian - 18th c.; biography - Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750
Position: VI/A-6 UDC: 78(430)"17"Bach,J.S.
Series: Silences; 2

5. Athenaeus of Naucratis (ca.170-ca.230)
The Deipnosophists, in seven volumes: Volume IV: Books VIII-X/ Athenaeus; with an English translation by Charles Burton Gulick
Harvard University Press, 1996, Cambridge; London , (carte) x, 606p., ISBN 0-674-99259-8
Topics (ro): literatura greaca antica - gastronomie - carte de bucate; Grecia antica - alimentatie - gastronomie; antichitate greaca - gastronomie; ospete/ bachete grecesti
Topics (en): ancient Greek lirterature - gastronomy - cookery book; ancient Greece - food - gastronomy; Greek antiquity - gastronomy; Greek conviviality
Position: 0.12-ATHE (4) UDC: 821.14(38)
Series: The Loeb Classical Library; 235
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Athenaeus of Naucratis (ca.170-ca.230)
Les Deipnosophistes: Livres I et II/ Athénée de Naucratis; Texte étabkli et traduit par A. M. Desrousseaux avec la concurs de Charles Astruc
Les Belles Lettres, 1956, Paris , (carte) lxxiii, 206p.
Topics (ro): literatura greaca antica - gastronomie - carte de bucate; Grecia antica - alimentatie - gastronomie; antichitate greaca - gastronomie; ospete/ bachete grecesti
Topics (en): ancient Greek lirterature - gastronomy - cookery book; ancient Greece - food - gastronomy; Greek antiquity - gastronomy; Greek conviviality
Position: DS/A-50 UDC: 821.14(38)
Series: Collection des Universités de France

7. Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750); Busoni, Ferruccio (1866-1924)
Prelude et fugue sur le nom de Bach; Chorals Allein Gott in der Höh' (BWV 260)(BWV 676)/ J.S.Bach; Fantasia contrappuntistica/ Ferruccio Busoni
Ariane, , France , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): lucrări pentru orgă; baroc; contrapunct; muzică contemporană; polifonie intrumentală; Johann Sebastian Bach; Fantezia contrapunctică
Topics (en): organ works; Baroque; counterpoint; contemporary music; instrumental polyphony; Johann Sebastian Bach; Fantasia Contrappuntistica
Position: VI/M-2296 UDC: 786.6

8. Bachelard, Gaston [1884-1962]
Psihanaliza focului / Gaston Bachelard; in romaneste de Lucia Ruxandra Munteanu; prefata de Romul Munteanu
Univers, 1989, Bucuresti , (carte) XXVI, 110 p., ISBN 973-34-0047-5
Topics (ro): filosofie - Bachelard, Gaston, 1884-1962; psihanaliza - foc - respect - complexul lui Prometeu; foc - reverie - complexul lui Empedocle; focul sexualizat - psihanaliza
Topics (en): philosophy - Bachelard, Gaston, 1884-1962; psycho-analysis - fire - respect - Prometheus\' complex; fire - day dream - the complex of Empedocles; sexualized fire - psycho-analysis
Position: A.2-BACH UDC: 159.964.2
Series: Colectia Eseuri
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Bachelard, Gaston [1884-1962]
L'intuition de l'instant/ Gaston Bachelard; Suivi de Introduction à la poétique de Bachelard par Jean Lescure
Editions Gonthier, c.1932, Paris , (carte) 159p.
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Bachelard, Gaston - Franta - sec.XX; timp - moment - durata; poetica - metafizica
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - Bachelard, Gaston - France - 20th c.; time - moment - duration; poetics - metaphysics
Position: AS/R-62; MT/A-1194 UDC: 14(44)"19"Bachelard,Gaston
Series: Bibliothèque Médiations

10. Bachelard, Gaston [1884-1962]
La poétique de l'espace / par Gaston Bachelard
Presses Universitaires de France, 1958, Paris , (carte) 220 p.
Topics (ro): poetica - spatiu; miniatura; filosofie contemporana - Bachelard, Gaston - Franta; dialectica - inauntru - inafara; spatiu - intimitate; casa - univers; fenomenologia rotundului
Topics (en): poetics - space; miniature; contemporary philosophy - Bachelard, Gaston - France; dialectics - inside - outside; space - intimacy; house - univers; phenomenology of the circle
Position: AS/R-64 UDC: 14(44)"19"Bachelard,Gaston
Series: Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine

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