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1. *
Between Totalitarianism and Postmodernity / edited by Peter Beilharz, Gillian Robinson and John Rundell
The MIT Press, 1998, Cambridge, Mass., London, England , (carte) VIII, 260 p., ISBN 0262-52179-2
Topics (ro): postmodernism; totalitarism; postcomunism; istorie sociala - 1970-; democratie; modernitate; revolutie anti-totalitara
Topics (en): postmodernism; totalitarianism; post-communism; social history - 1970-; democracy; modernity; anti-totalitarian revolution
Position: H.1723-BEI; UAB UDC: 303.4
Series: Thesis Eleven Reader
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
October: The Second Decade, 1986-1996 / edited by Rosalind Krauss, Annette Michelson, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Hal Foster, Denis Hollier, Silvia Kolbowski
The MIT Press, 1997, Cambridge, MA - London , (carte) xii, 464 p., ISBN 0-262-11226-4
Topics (ro): arta si societate; cultura de masa; suprarealism; expresionism; arta conceptuala; estetica; arta spectacolului; cultura populara
Topics (en): art and society; mass culture; Surrealism; expressionism; conceptual art; aesthetics; performance art; popular culture
Position: U.02-KRA; IIAB UDC: 7.036
Series: An OCTOBER Book
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
After Philosophy: End of Transformation?/ edited by Kenneth Baynes, James Bohman, and Thomas McCarthy
The MIT Press, 1996, Cambridge, Massachussets, and London, England , (carte) XI, 488p., ISBN 0-262-52113-X
Topics (ro): filosofie moderna - sec.XX; pragmatism - filosofie; postmodernism; hermeneutica - filosofie practica; relativism - putere - filosofie; antropologie; epistemologie
Topics (en): modern philosophy - 20th century; pragmatism - philosophy; postmodernism; hermeneutics - practical philosophy; relativism - power - philosophy; anthropology; epistemology
Position: A.17-BAY UDC: 14"19"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
Architecture Theory since 1968/ edited by K. Michael Hays
The MIT Press, 1998, Cambridge, Massachussetts; London, England , (carte) XVI, 808 p., ISBN 0-262-08261-6
Topics (ro): arhitectura moderna - sec.XX - filosofie; teoria arhitecturii - 1968-1998
Topics (en): modern architecture - 20th century - philosophy; architecture theory - 1968-1998
Position: Ua.017-HAY UDC: 72.01
Series: A Columbia Book of Architecture
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
The Semblance of Subjectivity: essays in Adorno's aesthetic theory / edited by Tom Huhn and Lambert Zuidervaart
The MIT Press, 1997, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England , (carte) IX, 358p., ISBN 0-262-08257-8
Topics (ro): filosofie - Adorno, Theodor W. - Germania - sec.XX; Adorno, Theodor W. - estetica - interpretare
Topics (en): philosophy - Adorno, Theodor W. - Germany - 20th century; Adorno, Theodor W. - aesthetics - interpretation
Position: A.2-ADO-Huh UDC: 111.85(430)"19"Adorn
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. *
Quantitative ecological analysis in the social sciences / edited by Mattei Dogan and Stein Rokkan
The MIT Press, 1969, Cambridge , (carte) 607 p.: fig.
Topics (ro): stiinte sociale - metode statistice - cercetare cantitativa; ecologie umana
Topics (en): social sciences - statistical methods - quantitative research; human ecology
Position: L.01-DOG UDC: 316.33; 504.75

7. *
The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences: [CD-ROM]/ Edited by Robert A. Wilson and Frank C. Keil
The MIT Press, , Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England , (CD-ROM) 1 CD-ROM, ISBN 0-262-73124-X
Topics (ro): stiinte cognitive - enciclopedie
Topics (en): cognitive sciences - encyclopaedia
Position: CD-ROM UDC: 168
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. *
Space from Zeno to Einstein: Classic Readings with a Contemporary Commentary / edited and with a commentary by Nick Huggett
The MIT Press, , Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England , (carte) XII, 274 p., ISBN 0-262-58169-8
Topics (ro): fizica - filosofie; filosofie - spatiu - timp; Platon, Euclid; Zeno; Aristotel; Descartes, R.; Newton, P.; Leibniz; Clarke; Berkeley, Mach; Kant, Im. - geometrie; Poincaré; Einstein
Topics (en): physics - philosophy; philosophy - space - time; Plato, Euclid; Zeno; Aristotle (384-322 BC); Descartes, R.; Newton, P.; Leibniz; Clarke; Berkeley, Mach; Kant, Im. - geometry; Poincaré; Einstein
Position: B.10-HUG UDC: 114/115(091)
Series: A Bradford book
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. *
The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences / edited by Robert A. Wilson and Franck C. Keil
The MIT Press, 1999, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England , (dictionar) CXXII, 964 p., ISBN 0-262-73124-X
Topics (ro): teoria computationala a mintii - dictionar; stiinte cognitive - enciclopedie; filosofia mintii - conectionism - dictionar
Topics (en): computational theory of mind - dictionary; cognitive sciences - encyclopaedia; philosophy of mind - connectionism - dictionary
Position: Ad.0-MIT* UDC: 128(038)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. *
Blasted Allegories: An Anthology of Writings by Contemporary Artists / Edited by Brian Wallis; Foreword by Marcia Tucker
The MIT Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1995, Cambridge, Mass. & London , (carte) X, 430 p., ISBN 0-262-73086-3
Topics (ro): arta - SUA - teme, motive; postmodernism - SUA - teme, motive; arta moderna - sec. XX - SUA - teme motive
Topics (en): fine arts - USA - themes, motifs; postmodernism - USA - themes, motifs; modern art - 20th century, the - USA - themes, motifs
Position: U.017-WAL UDC: 7.036
Series: Documentary Sources in Contemporary Art
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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