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1. *
Stereotypes and Prejudice: Essential Readings/ edited by Charles Stangor
Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2000, Philadelphia, PA , (carte) xii, 490 p., ISBN 0-86377-589-6
Topics (ro): psihologie - stereotip - prejudiciu; stereotipuri individuale - reprezentari colective; psihologie sociala - prejudicii - stereotipuri - discriminare - rasism
Topics (en): psychology - stereotype - prejudice; individual stereotypes - collective representations; social psychology - prejudices - stereotypes - discrimination - racism
Position: L.01-STA UDC: 159.9:30
Series: Key Readings in Social Psychology
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
The Journal of Psychohistory/ a Publication of the Institute for Psihohistory; editor: Lloyd deMause
The Association for Psychohistory, 1999, New York , (periodic) , ISSN 0145-3378
Topics (ro): psihologie - psihoistorie; copilarie - traume - violenta; Germania - educatie - copilarie - traume; Europa de est - istorie familiala - educatie - traume; masochism rusesc
Topics (en): psychology - psychohistory; childhood - traumas - violence; Germany - education - childhood - traumas; East Europe - family history - education - traumas; Russian masochism
Position: periodic UDC: 159.9

3. *
Analectes/ Département psychiatrique Theraplix; Directeur de la publication: Docteur M. Lamesi
Théraplix. Département Psychiatrique, 1975, Paris , (periodic)
Topics (ro): revista de psihiatrie - reprinturi psihiatrice
Topics (en): journal of psychiatry - psychiatry reprints
Position: MT/A-4259 UDC: 616.89

4. Arnold, Wilhelm Karl [ psiholog german, prof. de psihologie, 1911-1983]
Person, Charakter, Persöhnlichkeit/ von Wilhelm Arnold
Verlag für Psychologie Dr. C. J. Hogrefe, 1969, Göttingen , (carte) xiv, 529p.
Topics (ro): psihologie - persoana - caracter - personalitate; problema corp-suflet; constiinta; fenomenologia caracterului; personalitate si cultura
Topics (en): Psychology - person - character - personality; body-soul problem; conscience; phenomenology of character; personality and culture
Position: MT/A-3648 UDC: 159.9

5. Bloch, Sidney; Chodoff, Paul; Musto, David; Hare, Richard; Mechanic, David; Dyer, Allen; Fulford, William; Reich, Walter; Karasu, Byram; Brown, Paul; Bancroft, John; Miller, Robert; [...]
Etica psihiatrica / Editata de Sidney Bloch si Paul Chodoff / Traducatori: Razvan Tuculescu, Alexandru Popescu, Nicoleta Bizamcer, Liviu Cosma
Asociatia Psihiatrilor Liberi & Geneva Initiative on Psychiatry, 2000, Bucuresti , (carte) xviii, 598 p., ISBN 973-98121-1-2
Topics (ro): psihiatrie - etica; medicina - psihiatrie - aspecte etice; sanatate mintala - servicii - probleme etice
Topics (en): psychiatry - ethics; medicine - psychiatry - ethical aspects; mental health - services - ethical issues
Position: Ab.01-BLO UDC: 174.2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Eckhartshausen, Karl von [ mistic german, interesat de subiecte ezoterice, 1752-1803]
La nuée sur le Sanctuaire: [Avant-propos de Marcel Renébon]
Psyché, 1972, Paris , (carte) 169p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - mistica germana - Biserica interioara
Topics (en): Christianity - German mystic - interior Church
Position: MT/A-3548 UDC: 23
Series: Bibliothèque des Amitiés Spirituelles

7. Franz, Marie-Louise von; Solié, Pierre; Humbert, Elie G.; Hillman, James
Cahiers de psychologie jungienne: Numéro 18, été 1978: Le Temps / Marie-Louise von Franz, Pierre Solié, Elie G. Humbert, James Hillman
Cahiers de Psychologie Jungienne, 1978, Paris , (carte) 64 p.
Topics (ro): timpul - aspecte arhetipale; psihanaliza jungiana - timpul; timp ciclic; timp linear; experienta centrului
Topics (en): the time - archetipal aspects; Jungian psycho-analysis - the time; cyclic time; linear time; experience of the centre
Position: AS/T-30 UDC: 159.964.2*Jung, C.G.

8. Jung, Carl Gustav (1875-1961)
L'Inconscient collectif: Les textes de C.G. Jung sur l'Inconscient collectif/ réunis et presents par Lise Fourniol et Jean Clausse avec l'aide du Groupe Inconscient; Les textes en Français sont empruntés xà la collection des ouvrages traduits sous la direction du Dr. Roland Cahen; Les textes inédits en français ont été traduits par: Courrie Bastenhof, Alain Bonnefon, François Leterrier, Eytienne Perrot, Viviane Thibaudier-Axelson
Cahiers de Psychologie Jungienne, 1978, Paris , (periodic) 71p.
Topics (ro): psihanaliza - Jung, C.G. ,1875-1961; psihologie analitica - Jung, C.G., 1875-1961; inconstientul colectiv
Topics (en): psycho-analysis - Jung, C.G., 1875-1961; analytic psychology - Jung, C.G., 1875-1961; collective unconscious
Position: MT/A-3833 UDC: 159.9*Jung, C. G.
Series: Cahiers de Psychologie Jungienne, 4e Trimestre - Déc. 1978

9. McKenna, Eugene
Business Psychology and Organisational Behaviour: A Student's Handbook / Eugene McKenna
Psychology Press Ltd., 2000, East Sussex , (carte) XXII, 698 p., ISBN 0-86377-667-1
Topics (ro): psihologie industriala - individ - grup; management - resurse umane
Topics (en): industrial psychology - individual - group; management - human resources
Position: D.0-McKE UDC: 159.9:67/68
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Smith, Eliot R.; Mackie, Diane M.
Social Psychology/ Eliot R. Smith, Diane M. Mackie
Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2000, Philadelphia, PA , (carte) xxx, 673p., ISBN 0-86377-587-X
Topics (ro): psihologie sociala; identitate sociala; agresiune - conflict; interactiune - grupuri; norme - comportament; stiinte sociale - psihologie
Topics (en): social psychology; social identity; aggression - conflict; interaction - groups; standards - behaviour; social sciences - psychology
Position: L.01-SMITH UDC: 30:159.9
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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