Jung on Mythology / Selected and Introduced by Robert A. Segal
Princeton University Press, 1998, Princeton, N.J.
, (carte) X, 278 p., ISBN 0-691-01736-0
Topics (ro): Jung, C.G.; mit; mitologie; psihiatrie - religie; Jung - interpretarea freudiana a mitului - psihanaliza; originea mitului - psihologia inconstientului; functia mitului - psihologie analitica; mitul ca mod de gindire Topics (en): Jung, C. G.; myth; mythology; psychiatry - religion; Jung - Freudian interpretation of myth - psycho-analysis; origin of the myth - psychology of unconscious; the function of the myth - analitycal psychology; myth as way of thinking | | Position: Da.2-JUNG-Seg
UDC: 159.9:291*Jung,C.G.
Series: Encountering Jung; 4 |
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