New Europe College

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1. Moore Jr., Barrington
Social origins of dictatorship and democracy: lord and peasant in the making of the modern world/ by Barrington Moore, jr.
Beacon Press, 1967, Boston , (carte) XIX, 559p.
Topics (ro): sociologie politica - democratie - dictatura; clase sociale - tarani - aristocratie rurala
Topics (en): political sociology - democracy - dictatorship; social classes - peasants - rural aristocracy
Position: J.03-MOO UDC: 316.32(091); 323.27; 316.342.2

2. Pfeffer, Leo
Church, State, and Freedom / by Leo Pfeffer
The Beacon Press, 1953, Boston , (carte) XVI, 676 p.
Topics (ro): religie - biserica - stat - libertate; religii comparate - preotul si regele - religii primitive; religie - teocratie greceasca; religie - Roma pre-crestina; religie crestina - opresiune - Evul Mediu - inchizitia - Reforma; religie crestina - catolicism
Topics (en): religion - Church, the - state - liberty, freedom; comparative religions - priest and king - primitive religions; religion - Greek theocracy; religion - pre-Christian Rome; Christian religion - opression - Middle Ages - Inquisition - Reform; Christian rel
Position: G.0-PFEFF UDC: 291

3. Trouillot, Michel-Rolph
Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History/ Michel-Rolph Trouillot
Beacon Press, 1995, Boston , (carte) xix, 192p., ISBN 978-0-8070-4311-0
Topics (ro): istoricism; istoriografie - prezent - trecut; putere - filosofie
Topics (en): historicism; historiography - present - past; power - philosophy
Position: H.0-TRO UDC: 901
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Weber, Max
The Sociology of Religion/ by Max Weber; Translated by Ephraim Fischoff; Introduction by Talcott Parsons
Beacon Press, 1968, Boston , (carte) lxvii, 304p.
Topics (ro): istoria religiilor - sociologia religiei; zei - magicieni - preoti; etica religiilor; tabu; Dumnezeu; profet; congregatii religioase; clase - caste - religie; intelectualism - istoria religiilor; ascetism; misticism; soteriologie
Topics (en): history of religions - sociology of religion; gods - magicians - priests; ethics of religions; taboo; God; Prophet, The; religious congregations; classes - castes - religion; intellectualism - history of religions; asceticism; mysticism; soteriology
Position: AS/H-19 UDC: 291
Series: Beacon Series in the Sociology of Politics and Religion