New Europe College

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1. Steiner, George [Ed.]; Vilar, Emilio Rui; Lüst, Dieter; Singer, Wolf; Alvarez-Gaumé, Luis; Wolpert, Lewis; Nowotny, Helga; Szathmary, Eörs; Horgan, John; CAraça, Joao; Dyson, Freeman; Bossi, Laura; Luminet, Jean-Pierre
Is Science Nearing its Limits?/ Conference convened by Gorge Steiner
Carcanet; Fundaçao Calouste Gulbenkian, 2008, Manchester; Lisbon , (carte) xxxi, 203p., ISBN 978-1-84777-007-3
Topics (ro): stiinta contemporana - limitele stiintei ; fizica si cosmologie; biologie - progrese; productia de cunoastere stiintifica; locul omului in univers; sfirsitul stiintei
Topics (en): contemporary sciences - limits of science; physics and cosmology; biology - progress; scientific knowledge production; man's place in the universe; end of science
Position: B.17-STE UDC: 5"20"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Wolpert, Lewis
Biology of Belief: Ernst Mayr Lecture 2001/ Lewis Wolpert; [Introduction: Rüdiger Wehner]
Akademie Verlag, 2006, Berlin , (extras) pp.89-120
Topics (ro): biologia credintei; cognitie - animale - copil; dezvoltarea copilului - credinta cauzala; oameni si unelte; teama si religie; paranormal; credinte false; credinta in stiinta
Topics (en): biology of belief; cognition - animals - child; child development - causal belief; humans and tools; fear and religion; paranormal; false beliefs; belief in science
Position: B.17b-WOL UDC: 57:159.9