New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 2 (total 2 t: a: ).

1. Radchenko, Yuri; Ryzhkovskyi, Vladimir; Schiffbeck, Adrian; Scutaru, Beatrice; Teodor, Alexandra; Valodzina, Aliaksandra; Volacu, Alexandru; Voloshchuk, Myroslav; Wasiucionek, Michał
New Europe College Yearbook 2022-2023: volume 2: ...But incidents of a private nature continued...: the fate of the Karaites of Europe in Moshe Kovshanly's Report/ Yuri Radchenko; On Occidentalism, Russo-centrism and the (im)possibility of decolonization / Vladimir Ryzhkovskyi; The Strangers to the world: attitudes of solitude and compassion in Orthodox and Buddhist monasteries / Adrian Schiffbeck; Caring for our brother's children. Greek and Macedonian child refugees in Socialist Romania in the aftermath of the Second World War / Beatrice Scutaru; Antiquity in use in urban contexts. Predictive analysis for urban archaeology / Alexandra Teodor; Labelling the Waldenses: othering a medieval religious movement / Aliaksandra Valodzina; Stasis and Demokratia. A Mapping of resilience-driving institutions in classical Athens / Alexandru Volacu; Halych and Galicia (until 1772) in the foreign policy of the rulers of Moldova. Experience of the source studies and periodization / Myroslav Voloshuchuk; Approaching the sultan's world: Ottoman Fermans, reading amd performance in the early modern Moldavia and Wallachia / Michał Wasiucionek
New Europe College, 2024, Bucharest , (anuar) 317p.: il., portr., ISSN 1584-0298
Topics (ro): Karaiti - persecutii - Ucraina; religie - erezii; diplomatie - Imperiul Otoman; Razboiul ruso- ucrainean; ajutor umanitar - copii - Romania; arheologie - morfologie urbna; religie - budism - ortodoxie; democratie; Galicia - Moldova - relatii bilaterale
Topics (en): Karaites - persecution - Ukraine; religion - heresy; diplomacy - Ottoman Empire, the; Russian-Ukrainian war; humanitarian aid - children - Romania; archaeology - urban morphology; religion - Buddhism - Orthodoxy; democracy; Halych - Moldavia - bilateral r
Position: anuar UDC: 009(058)

2. Voloshchuk, Myroslav
Ruthenians (the Rus') in the Kingdom of Hungary, 11th to Mid-14th Centuries: settlement, property, and socio-political role / by Myroslav Voloshchuk; translated by Yaroslav Prykhodko
Brill, 2021, Leiden. Boston , (carte) 347p., ISBN 978-90-04-34255-2
Topics (ro): istorie - ruteni - Ungaria - sec.XI/XIV
Topics (en): history - Ruthenians - Hungari 11th/14th c.
Position: B-VOL UDC: 94(439)''10/13''
Series: East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 140-1450; volume 76
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC