New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 2 (total 2 t: a: ).

1. Trevor-Roper, Hugh
The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century: Religion, the Reformation, and Social Change / Hugh Trevor-Roper
Liberty Fund, 2001, Indianapolis , (carte) xiv, 452 p., ISBN 0-86597-278-8 (pbk)
Topics (ro): istorie - vrajitorie - sec. XVII; istorie - sec. XVII - religie - Reforma; Europa - istorie - sec. XVII; istorie - revolutia puritana - Europa - sec. XVII
Topics (en): history - witchcraft - 17th century; history - 17th century - religion - Reformation; Europe - history - 17th century; history - Puritan Revolution - Europe - 17th century
Position: H.161-TRE UDC: 940.2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Trevor-Roper, Hugh [ 1914-2003]
L'Essor du monde chrétien / Hugh Trevor-Roper; traduit de l'anglais par Anne Joba
Flammarion, 1968, Paris , (carte) 216p.: il., h.
Topics (ro): istoria civilizatiei - Europa evul mediu; Europa - crestinism - evul mediu
Topics (en): history of civilisation - Europe - Christianity - Middle Ages; Europe - Christianity - Middle Ages
Position: MT/B-2528 UDC: 930.84(4)
Series: Histoire illustrée de l'Europe; 1